🧚‍♀️E I G H T E E N🧚‍♀️

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Charles Perspective

📍A F T E R   T H E    G R A N D    P R I X

I just wanted to be with my Stelly. Yes it wasn't first place, but I gained to places in that race, this was because she was here watching me. I could see her waiting patiently in the garage for me to arrive, man I am lucky to have her in my life.

Something was off with her. She wasn't as happy and smiley as she was before the race. Stelly wasn't up for celebrating that didn't matter to me as I just wanted to be in company. It was clear something had happened and she wanted to be alone. I respected her wanting privacy so I left her alone.

I watched her walk away from me until she was just a figure in the distance. Carlos and I headed off to do our media duties. I returned back to my drivers room to gather my belongings. I was told that someone was waiting for me. I assumed Stelly had changed her mind  and came back, I prayed this was the case. I couldn't have been further than wrong.

'You' I sighed 'What the hell are you doing here?'

Violet was sat on the sofa of my drivers room. Why was she here? Why after all this time?

'That's no way to speak to me Charles.' Violet smirked

'Let me be clear. I don't care about anything you have to say. I don't care about you, I want nothing to do with you.' I snapped

'I see that you an Estella are close again. You was stupid to ever let her go.' Violet continued, ignoring what I had to say

'She's just my friend.' I lie, Estella will always be the one for me. 'You made me do all those things.'

'I didn't make you do anything.' Violet giggled, she was enjoying this too much

'Cut the crap Violet. What do you want from me?' I sat on the couch across from me.

Violet placed a photograph on the table in front of me and the reclined back into the couch. It was obvious she wanted me to take it. I picked it and examined it. It was a photo of a child.

'What is this?' I sigh confused. I was already fed up of Violets games.

'This is your daughter Charles.' Violet announced. My whole world stopped.

'She can't be!' I chucked the photograph back at her. 'You're lying, she can't be mine.'

'Her name is Sienna. She is 3 years old.' Violet said placing the photo back in the table.

'Well there you go. We broke up 5 years ago. Your child is not mine.' I burst.

'Well what about that time in Paris?' Violet smirked. 'That was around 3,4 years ago.'

I sighed in defeat. 'We also used protection. This is impossible.'

'Well we didn't that night and here we are now.' Violet raises her hands. 'It's hard being a single mother in this world. I have missed out on so many opportunities because I had a child so young, whilst you were out living it large. So now it's your turn, I've ran out of money, I have no degree, I have no job. We need money otherwise your child is not going to be fed and soon enough your child won't have a roof over her head. It's your turn to be a parent Charles.'

The Only Man I Ever Loved Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon