🧚‍♀️T W O🧚‍♀️

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16th October

'Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy Birthday to Estella, Happy Birthday to you.' Mama, Papa and my brother Elliott sang to me as I opened my eyes.

'Make a wish.' Elliot said holding a stack of pancakes in front of me. I closed my eyes and blew the candles out.

'What did you wish for?' Papa asked

'If I told you, it won't come true.' I laughed wipping the tiredness from my eyes. The plane landed late last night and from the clock on the wall, it was only 8am. My family handed me my gifts and soon I found my self in the shower. The hot water rinsed the aeroplane sweat from my body. The hotness hit my skin making everything feel okay. I applied some light make up ans curled my hair and prepared for my first day in Monaco.

I bid my goodbyes to my parents and I headed to the local café. My phone glared at me with the time saying 10:06am. I pulled the camera out of my bag and decided to start filming.

'Good morning my beautiful people. For the next few days, I will be back home in Monaco with my family. So what better to do than show you guys around. Today is my birthday. When I was younger, I had a friend and we shared the same birthday. We used to call it 'our day' The day for us. So today it is my day, and I am going to do what I please. So first on our tour, is MONICA IN MONACO cafe. This was the place where all of my friends would meet after school. Today I am meeting a friend, so I'll talk to you in a bit.' I smile and wave to the camera, I also film the walk into the cafe before putting the phone in my bag.

I push the door open hearing the familiar ding of the door above my head. I panned the cafe before making eye contact with her, Paige. I have always known Paige, she was a school friend of Charles and I and in recent years we got very close. I would say she is my best friend.

'Hey Hey.' She chirps as I approach the table. 'Happy Birthday E.'

'Thank you P.' I smile taking the seat from across her. Her brown eyes glowing orange in the sun and her thick long brown hair in a braid. She handed me a her gift and we began chatting away. We hadn't seen each other in 6 months, when it was Paige's Birthday.

'So have you seen him yet?' Paige's asked me, it was obvious who she was referring to.

'Well I got home at 1am, I slept until 8 and then left the house at 10 so no.' I sarcastically comment

'A simple no would have been suffice.' She frowns

'I don't think I will see him, he's got his own life, I got mine. He is just somebody I used to know.' I say swallowing the lump in my throat by taking a sip of my smoothy.

'You still think about him?' Paige asked me and we both knew it was a stupid question.

'I have so many unanswered questions.' I say 'I hope he is doing well in life and I hope his family is okay.'


'So, if you are ever in Monaco and you want some amazing coffee, smoothies, milkshakes, pastries and paninis, I cannot recommend Monica's enough. Right now, I have made my way down to the Harbour, I mean look at this view. I don't own a boat and my family don't either. I know people that do and it's amazing to be in the sea on a boat. I learnt to ride my bike right here. It's a scary place to ride a bike so my dad thought this was the best place to learn. Next I am going to walk up this hill and show you some other places a like to visit when in Monaco.'

I began my hike up the hill to the shopping area near the casino. My family wasn't rich like you expect everyone in Monaco to be neither were they poor. They provided good life for Elliott and I. 

I filmed outside of the shops telling childhood stories and then made my way to the front of the casino. I pulled my camera up to face and clicked record. I had the view of the casino in the background.

'Now this might be actual reason so rich folk come to Monaco, the nightlife and the casi-' I am stopped as I spot an undeniable figure in the back ground walking past. My heart skipped a beat as I processed who was in the back ground. It was no doubt Charles. I immediately stopped recording and fumbled to put my camera away in my bag. My hands were soaked with sweat and the man hadn't even acknowledged my presence. In the midst of it all I managed to drop my bag on the floor with all my belongings scattered around me. I wanted the floor to swallow me up. I collected the lipgloss, mascara, powder, gum, tampons and purse off the floor and shoved it into my bag, I just wanted to leave as soon as. I took about 3 steps and then I heard a voice.

'Excuse me Miss, you left this.' I stopped in my steps, with my back facing him. I knew who it was I just didn't want it see him. Besides, I'm sure I had everything. I slowly turned around to see what I had left. 'Stelly?' He said, questioning him self at the sound of my name.

Play it cool, play it cool. 'Do we know eachother?' I questioned and trying to play dumb.

'Stelly, it's me, it's Charles.' He said taking a step closer to me.

'Charles?' I say 'No it doesn't ring any bells.'

'I would know your face everywhere. Stop messing with me.' He smiles softly at me exposing those dimples that made me physically weak.

'I am winding you up Charlie.' I give him a weak smile. 'Thanks for picking my camera.' I offer my hand so I can take my camera back. He hands me it immediately. The grazing of his finger tips send shivers down my spine. 'Anyways nice to see you. Take care of your self.' I turn my beck to him

'Stelly.' He calls after me making me stop in my tracks. He jogs over to me. 'I haven't see you in 5 years and you don't even want to talk to me?'

'We haven't go anything to talk about.' I say as it was true

'You just left. You never said goodbye.' He is now back in front of me, standing inches away from me.

'You made it perfectly clear to me. You chose a girl you wanted to fuck over your best friend.' I stabbed my finger into his shoulder, his broad shoulders.

'Stelly. I never meant to hurt you. You are my best friend.' He smiled down at me making me knees weak

'I was.' I say bluntly 'I've got things to do. Take care of yourself Leclerc.'

'Estella Grace Montgomery.' He full named me, making me snap my head in his direction. 'Happy Birthday love.'

'Happy Birthday Looser.' I mumbled back

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