🧚‍♀️S E V E N T E E N🧚‍♀️

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I woke up to the bright sun dancing through the blinds, I glanced over to the bedside table, 8;46am. I looked around the room at the mess created. Clothes chucked around the room, empty bottles everywhere. I rolled over to the other side of the bed to reveal I was alone in the bed.

I quickly began to get ready so I could leave before Pierre would even notice but he came out the bathroom before I could get my socks on.

'Hey.' He smiled as he saw me on the edge of the bed.

'Hello.' I responded.

'Leaving so soon?' He questioned opening the curtains in the room.

'Yeah it's probably for the best that I leave.' I smile, the guilt slowly sinking in. 'Thanks for the company last night.'

'Anytime Estella.' Pierre handed me my top. 'Don't worry, I won't tell Charles about this.'

'Do whatever you want, this has nothing to do with Charles.' I sigh at the mention of his name.

'Come on Estella, we all know you and Charles are meant to be together.' Pierre flops on the bed.

'There is no Charles and I. He ruined his chance by running back to that bitch. Honestly I am better without him.' I sigh, I knew it was the truth. 'I'll see my self out.'

'Take care Estella.' Pierre called as I left his hotel room.

I stumbled down the hallway to the lifts and waited for the ding. The elevator dinged to reveal Charles stood on the other side. I rolled my eyes and entered the lift standing as far away from him as possible.

Moments passed. 'What the hell happened to you?' Charles's voice filled the void in the lift

'None of your damn business.' I mumbled back

'You look a mess.' Charles pointed out the obvious.

'Thanks.' I said back

'You're wearing the same clothes as last night.' Charles faced me.

'Great observation Charles.' I pointed my thumbs up at him

'Who? Who have you been with?' Charles snapped, sounding harsh

'Go ask your best friend!' I snapped before leaving him in the lift.

I scanned my key to the room. I pressed upload on the YouTube video on my laptop and began to pack up my room. I jumped in the shower, the hot water caused goosebumps to run across my body. I washed off all traces of these formula one drivers. My new motto for the year was don't sleep with drivers.

Once the video was uploaded, I packed the laptop away and called my taxi to the airport. I pulled my suitcase up to a bench and waited.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Charles standing out side the hotel. His hand was red, like he had just punched something or someone. Part of me wanted to check up on him and see if he was okay. But I saw her, Violet, running over to attend to his needs. I turned away at that point, I didn't want to have to see them together. Thankfully, the taxi had just turned up so I didn't have to see them eat each others faces. I picked up my phone and scrolled through my contact to call my mum

One ring, two rings. 'Hello Estella, how was Abu Dhabi? We saw Charlie's race on the tv!' My mother's warm voice filled the taxi.

'Everything is wrong Mama. He told me he loved me and then he broke my heart again.' My voice broke.

'What's happened Estella?' My mum questioned

'It's Violet.' I cried 'She has his kid.'

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