Lovely scent

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Yatharth's POV

There weren't many people in the practice hall when I arrived, but since Sanskriti was present, I didn't need anyone else. I went there to get some water since she was drinking it, you know 🌚. I was standing behind her when she turned to face me. She was taken aback upon seeing me. Observing her nervous expression, I decided to make her laugh. She began to back away as I moved gently in her direction, but after a few steps, her movement stopped and her back struck the table. Then, when she asks, I softly bend my upper body to meet hers.

Sanskriti: "What- what are you doing?"

God forgive me. But it's so funny.

"Just taking the water bottle, why?"

She got lost somewhere suddenly.

"Back to earth trouble. What did you thought I was doing?"

"Nothing, what would I think. Now that you've finally arrived let's start the practice practice"

We then began practicing, but our chemistry didn't match, which dissatisfied Prof. Gracie. She advised us to practice acting a bit more seductively. I was overjoyed by her decision. Then we both started dancing once more, and this time I added a little more flair while still being careful not to move in a way that would discomfort her.

The back embrace step is my favorite move in the entire sequence. Her neck has a lovely scent, and her waist feels excellent to the touch. This feels simultaneously very terrible yet quite right. Prof. Gracie was happy this time, so we continued practicing until the other club students arrived. When we were leaving the auditorium Astitva commanded everyone to assemble once more before departing to home.

"Astitva who is deciding the dress code for us."

Astitva: "Prof. Gracie but she have asked for my opinion also. Anyway what's going into that head of yours"

"Will you please suggest blue colour dress code for me and her."

Astitva: "Alright anything else."

I shook my head when I heard a laugh.

Atharva: "You are fucking whipped bro."

"No I'm not."

Atharva: "yes you are"

"I said I'm not"

Atharva: "yes, you are fucking are whipped"

He said to piss me off.

Astitva: "Time out guys, lets eats something I'm already very tired to deal with you both morons."

Atharva: "says the biggest moron himself."

Atharva outlines that after we eat lunch, we get together once more in our practice area to talk about the dress code, I was not very satisfied with the dress code but then every color suits her. We all went to the fields to practice for a while after the talk. At five o'clock, we made the decision to return home.

Yamini approached me and stated she would be arriving home late while we were chatting about unrelated topics before to getting into my car. When I inquired why, she replied that she was going shopping with Sanskriti at the mall. I then turned to find Sanskriti waiting for her behind her. Before I could respond, Astitva interrupted.

Astitva: "Thats really great Yamini we were heading to the mall too."

"We are going to the mall?"

I asked him when Atharva pinched my back from the other side indicating me to keep my mouth close.

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