Saturday, the 13th of January

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Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that it's W.'s name day :D

I overslept. Heavily. I woke up about 11:30pm, so I only got up to do something productive before 3pm... Yeah. I'm fucked...
However, I had a sick dream - we had some dance competition at my primaty school and we performed first and then the other school, and we didn't applaud them, so we won XD
And later there was some class with my primary school English teacher - we watched GoT and then discussed some torture technniques (what the hell). There was J., J., M. (for some reason we were pretty close again), and me.
And later it just suddenly changed to some witcher battle.
Yes, crazy, I know.

Okay, it's 15 to 3pm now, so it's time to do something. I will probably start with the revisions for the test with A. and then procede to lit. th. and contr. gram. We will see.

Okay, two first points from the list done :D

Then I took a break to eat something. And I also read some of one of my past fanfics and... Oh well, what a cringe. I was really not good at writing dialogues back then. I would love to rewrite at some point or at least continue it in a more professional way.

Okay, time to read my const. gram. notes. That might be the end of my duties for today as it's nearly 7pm now and I'd love to chill a bit more today.

Managed to go through the theory, now I'm going to focus on the practical exercises, or at least on some of them.

I've finished my revisions exactly at 11:01pm. And I wanted to work till 11pm, so that's perfect :D
I've managed to go through all the practical exercises  as well :D

Time to watch something. I was going to reply to some rp or wrote something independent, but honestly? I am too tired for this. I think I will genuinely wait with this for the end of January. Even though I have a lot of inspiration now and I know that it's going to be wasted...

Come True (2020):
Let's give it a try. I was in a mood for a horror story. I might watch something more later. We will see how it goes.
Okay so she is dreaming about all this stuff, right?
I wonder why she can't sleep in bed on an everyday basis.
This seems really shady...
The "Harry Potter" guy from the book shop seems to be onto something as well...
I have to admit. I like those dream sequences. They are unnerving, but really well made.
Now I'm intrigued what happened to her and what she saw.
Omg the glasses guy is here.
Okay so this whole "come true" is about dreams. Hopefully hers won't come true after all.
Oh yeah. I've just checked the poster and I was wondering what about this eyepatch.
Aaand it came true.
Okay, now it having its glowy eyes is kinda creepy, I have to admit.
I really like how the music works in this movie.
Why does he sleep like that? Is this some fucked up self-experiment?
Are you making a love story out of this?
Yep. I figured the creature would appear there all of a sudden.
Is this going to be another dream come true?
Yep. There has to be a sex scene in a horror movie.
That scared me a bit xD (the creature being broken)
How is it that there are no other cars?
Omg she's going to the mountain where the creature lives.
Are they really going to find something irl? This is getting creepy.
Omg this is creepy. I hate it when you can see something on camera but not in real life.
Oo okay. She woke up. Interesting.
Oh shit. The forest and all the creatures is so creepy.
Is it going to turn out that it is just another dream?
Oh what the hell? She killed him?
And she is a vampire now? What the hell is going on? XD
Omg the ending with the message tho >>>
That was brilliant. Well played, congrats.

I was going to watch another movie, but I might actually try and reply to some longer rp with W. and then maybe watch some yt. I just feel bad about wasting all this inspiration I have in my head. Or my heart. Or my soul.

I managed to reply to the Witcher rp with W.
Tho I have a really bad headache now so it's probably not as good as it could be.
She, on the other hand replied to the pirate rp. And then we started some short plot at the general's house with both of them going to sleep together, in one bed.
In the meantime I watched some YouTube, falling asleep. But I got a bit woken up by the short rp we did.

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