Friday, the 5th of January

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Right after I woke up (about 9:45am) I got up and got ready to go to the post office as I simply wanted to have it done as soon as possible. Also, I hoped that there wouldn't be many people as it was rather early and supposedly everyone should be at work. Oh well... I couldn't be more mistaken. There were a lot of people and only one queue. So I spent there like... 45min. But at least I didn't have to wait in the queue twice like the one time before. And the woman working at the post office was really nice and helpful, so I even wished her good day and got that from her as well :D

Back at home - I emailed Ł. that I sent him the documents. He asked about my apprenticeship hours, so I got a bit stressed, but that was really unnecessary. He just thanked me for reminding him about our deal and that's it.

I've finally caught up with all the Sorry videos. Also... Season 3 is going to be epic from what I've seen in the trailer. Like... Will is going to have so many beautiful scenes... I don't even care if the content is good. The Christmas vid was really nice as well. The best I've watched today (the other two were without Will so that might be the reason to some extent). And Will's role in it... >>

Okay, it's 2:37pm already. Time to start being productive. I don't know what I'm going to be doing yet, but I will surely figure something out. I should start some revisions for the hell which is going to happen in two weeks and maybe work on my thesis plan for a while.

I revised some part of contrastive grammar theory. But it is really difficult. I really hope that the prof will give us some details as to what we should focus on.

Then I took a break to eat dinner and chill.
Rping with W. in the meantime (S. and C. again, this time some Ghostface plot). We also came up with some ideas for M. and S. x AC plots, really cool :D

Back to studying (it's already 7:09pm). I hope I will manage to revise the material for the test with A. and then maybe start going through the book for the seminar. I really should finally do something with that...

I revised most of the texts for the test with A. P. (apart from the one from this week; there was really no point, it was only one day since we discussed it).

In the meantime I talked to mum for about one hour.

And then W. and I called. We talked for about 4h. It was really fun to talk to her again. It was quite a time since our last call.

When we finished we still rped for a bit - the Ghostface plot. But I got pretty tired so I decided to go to sleep (it was past 4:30am anyway).

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