Saturday, the 20th of January

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Not much happening in the morning. Just me chilling from when I woke up about 11am till about 1pm. I ahd to get up and get ready, cause at 2pm me and some people from university were supposed to call on discord and discuss our philosophy presentation. Before we did that, I managed to make some notes, which turned out useful, cause I started working on my presentation right after we finished the call. So yeah, I worked on it for about 2h between 3pm and 5pm. That was rather productive. I still worry that it might be too long, but whatever. We will manage somehow.

Now I'm going to finally eat something and later... I will see I guess. I could finally catch up wit some rps after I do my Duolingo lessons (I could probably work on my thesis, but I don't really feel like it after a whole week [even two weeks] of studying). Or maybe I will just write something independent or watch something. We will see, we will see. W. and I probably won't call tonight, so I will definitely watch some AHS episodes later.

Chilling for some time after eating some soup. Then I really wanted to play the Sims (I got inspired by the presentation we are making and I just got nostalgic about my gameplays), but the app simply wouldn't work. I have no idea why. I'm still trying to fix it, but I'm worried it won't work anyway. For now I'm waiting till it reinstalls itself... That's my last resort.

Honestly, I might just watch one ep of AHS while waiting. I mean, nearly half of it is done now, but honestly, why not.
Morbidity museum? Sounds like fun.
Oh hello. Emma Roberts is here as well.
Ah yes, Halloween episode. There has to be one every season.
I wonder how they will tie this killer clown to the freak show plot.
Damn, they won't believe her now...
Ah yes, this one sure is delightful.
Awh, the doctor scene is really cute.
I love Evan's voice. And I will always repeat that.
Edward Mordrake kinda hot. Well... apart from that head on the back of his head xD
(The Sims still didn't work so I asked uncle R. for help aaaaand... WE MANAGED TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM<33 Still, I want to finish this one episode first, so back to watching.)
Omg he's working on an opera.
I only now realised that she's drinking...
Well of course they meet again (Emma and Evan).
But she lies to him... I have to admit tho, she is a skilled liar and a cunning observer. Or maybe she is not lying? I mean. How did she know the name?
Well, she's lying and yet I still like her more than the twins.
I really thought that was the clown. Oh he was there as well haha
Oh they so are going to summon Edward.
Maybe Edward was the man "Emma" mentioned?
He really hot here. I like the suit.
Omg he is like Jekyll and Hyde. I really like this character. I'm worried that he will be here in my for the two Halloween episodes and nothing more.
Omg I knew it was the man from Hunger Games, Seneca Crane. He hot.
Nice way to let the audience get to know the character's backstory.
(I was going to play some Sims now, but I might actually watch the next one as it's kind of a continuation of this one.)
Edward wants Elsa, right?
Are we going to get to know all the characters' backstories?
Nah, there are just skips now.
This is also interesting how they're showing that the worst monster is not even one of the "freaks". Unless she used to have that twin. I still keep this theory.
DAMN this exchange. I love Evan acting like that.
My god, fuck this rich kid.
Okay so she didn't have a twin, I guess.
Not Jimmy tho!
Omg we're getting the clown's backstory.
So not Elsa after all?
Is the clown plot over then? I thought it would be one of the main ones xD
Oh nevermind... he took his mask. Ew, it must be covered with his blood and meat and stuff...
Aw Jimmy is so happy.
Oh he's gonna kill her now. Yep. Cool ending.

After that - just playing the Sims for some time and rping some short plots with S. and M. :D

Also. We got the results from A.'s test. I got 5, 18/18 :D Also, she messaged us that she enjoyed this semester with us. She is just too cute :,) <33

Later during the night - rping with W. (some plot with M. and S. taking a bath together).

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