Monday, the 4th of March

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Morning. I'm cosplaying Joel today :D (I sent a photo to W. and she agreed that I looked a lot like him. And she also complimented my hair<33)

Classes. First the translation. It was a really annoying class. We were to suggest some changes to the Polish translation to this one (really boring) text and the prof basically discredited everything we said XD Why even ask then?

Speaking was better. We talked about different states of mind: consciousness, subconsciousness, unconsciousness, etc. It was M. and I.'s topic, so we also worked with E. today. It was really nice. And I got a chance to share some thoughts about my experiments with art (writing and poetry), so that was kinda cool.

Back at home. Dinner and chilling.

I really need to look at these thesis comments and apply the changes, but I'm really unwilling to do so, and stressed for some reason. Before I even motivated myself to do that, I caught up with the final part of the previous chapter and this chapter up to this point. Oh well... Time to do some real work. Especially that about 11pm I am talking to W. And then I still need to do my Duo lessons (and it would be great to maybe go through BC songs as well).

Also, I learnt that one of the girls that I'm going to rp with (the Mozalieri one) is from Łódź. Finally someone relatively close! Ngl, if it works out, I would be more than willing to meet her, cause she seems really nice so far. (But of course I've known her only for a day, so that's basically nothing.)

Okay, the Devil is not so black as he is painted. The comments were really helpful and there weren't that many of them, so that's nice. At least I know that I'm doing things the right way and that I really can start writing the second chapter. (I relly have to gain motivation to do this this weekend.) I also have some questions for D., but I'm going to upload the corrected version on Wednesday evening and then discuss it on Thursday.

Talked to mum for a while. It was also her advice that I not upload the chapter tonight.

ALSO! I completely forgot to mention. My parcel from Finland is here! (Well... Not here, at my family house, but anyway.) The courrier called me twice during my translation class and I asked mum to call him back, but fortunately one of my neighbours took the parcel for me<33

Z. G. (the girl I mentioned above) listened to Deadzone and Dark Side and really liked it :D Let's go! I'm winning more and more souls for Blind Channel<33

Duolingo time.

I just realised that in Wolves in California  BC have a line which goes: Straight outta Hell - sinki. This combines to create Helsinki. This is SO SMART. I literally just can't. I'm speechless. (I would realise this earlier, but the lyrics page noted it as 'sinking'...)

Talking to W. till about 2am. We had a lot of fun, as always. Then she had to go to sleep. Before she left, we also rped as N. and J. for a short while, but that was nothing specific. I stayed a while longer, till about 4am and watched yt for a bit.

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