Sunday, the 18th of February

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W. started the HG rp while I was sleeping. Really cool :D

I had a HG dream myself. There was to be some tragedy and I remember packing my stuff (clothes). And I had to hurry and leave with M. J.? That was pretty hectic.

Not doing much for the rest of the day. I was mainly chilling, regenerating my energy after the two short-sleep nights I had the days before.

BUT! I got really creative and I replied to the HG rp. I am really proud of that reply. It was like... 2000+ words. Let's go?!

In the evening I went to church with mum and J.

After that - mainly chilling again. JM vod again.

Witcher time!
I really like the idea behind the morowa dziewica creatures.
Also, this quest seems to be best on Romeo and Juliet story.
For a sec I thought it really worked. Well... at least they are together now.
Freya mentioned. Cool!
Aleksander seems like this type of crazy madman I would have a crush on.
Dziady!! Omg and the storm.
Omg the fight with Wyjec... that took me three attempts. Strategy is all tho :D

W. replied to the HG rp and then... so did I. And my reply was nearly as long as the previous one (nearly 1900 words). I'm on fire.

Rping with W. - continuing the plot with S. and C. and S. It's getting more and more dramatic :D

I wanted to chill more and watch the rest of the JM's vod, but then I started falling asleep. Yeah...

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