Wednesday, the 10th of April

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Okay, this morning was horrible.
Everything started nicely. I woke up one hour before the alarm, so I had time to eat breakfast and chill on yt. Perfect.

Then I started getting ready and... a contact lense moved wrongly in my eye, completely disappearing. I panicked, trying to find it (it was completely transparent, without the blue hue). I finally spotted it in the inner corner of my left eye and tried to take it out. I managed to do so, but then it turned out it was already torn because of me trying to take it out earlier. So I had to still find the second half! I put on my glasses, casue, of course, I was fucking blind, and finally spotted the second half. It was difficult to take this one out, but finally my eye started tearing up and that helped a lot. That was so bad tho... And my eye still hurts (it's 9:19pm currently). It's not unbearable or anything, but it bothers me a lot. And I'm pretty worried.

Oh well.

Cosplaying Keeping It Surreal today. Mum and aunt M. really liked this outfit:
- bottom: lether-like leggins with the lavender rainbow socks put on them
- top: black, 3/4 sleeved blouse, the sparkly one and this one light dress made out of thin material (the one you can fold like a shawl) plus a leather belt (the top part looked great!<3)
- shoes: my bovver boots with studs
- other: dark-blue and sparkly nail varnish; necklaces: this one chain and the flower (set) plus the birthday necklace, the one with the stone that looks like spilt petrol; rings: the one that changes colours, the two stone ones, and the plain silver one that looks like a machine part (and the wider one to hold it on my finger).
Oh yeah, I had to put a lether jacket on cause it was only 11 degrees when I was leaving the house (FINALLY SOME NICE WEATHER), but that wasn't part of the outfit.

Classes. The lecture was nice today. Not many things to note down and I managed to write mose of them on time, so there won't be that much to catch up with. Also, for some reason we finished 30 minutes earlier, so that's nice.
K. S. and I used this time for a short walk, cause the weatehr was fresh and nice.
After we came back, M. G. was there<3 (not interaciton this time tho)
We also formed a nice group with some people I rarely talk to, so that was a nice oportunity.
And then, during the class we watched The Dig (well, an hour of it). It was a nice movie. Maybe not that interesting in general, but cool for the class (we also had to fill some gaps while watching). We also finished like 5 minutes earlier.

Going back home I called mum. I told her about the morning accident.
I also saw M. J.'s bus! The real one, the one he travels with. And it was going to the stadium, so I assume he was there, going to train for the Friday's match :D

Home. Dinner and chilling. Watching Sam and his rituals on yt. I also started falling asleep.
I also ordered An Illustrated History of Britain (the one textbook that M. T. used for our classes; or at least I hope so). Yep, I decided I want to study this history a bit more thoroughly. (I got inspired by Z. G. and by today's classes.)

Then I finally replied to the demon rp I have with H. N. and shared a cool idea with her. We got engaged in discussing some plots for the rp and we have a very specific and fleshed-out plan, so that's nice.

Then it was Duolingo time and then I finally caught up with writing this chapter. As you can tell, there was a lot going on today.
Time to revise OE reading and my speaking presentation now, cause it's 9:32pm already. And after that? I'm not sure. I will either play MC or revise BC songs, and then watch something. I have to gain some energy for tomorrow's thesis writing.

Okay, uni stuff done. It's mc time.

I've (nearly) finished building the palce for the villagers. Accidentally it looks like a jail xD

Movie time! Interview with the Vampire (1994):
It's time to see the original. Besides I thought about our S. the angel and C. the vampire rp yesterday. So I'm gonna use it as a sign.
I love how Louis is open about everything from the very beginning. Also. He's hot.
Ah yes. The vampire is here!
Also, Lestat's clothes >>
And I love his personality. So ironic and condescending.
Aww this girl is so cute. Like Alice.
Damn! Lestat in the background and his laugh >>
This Claudia is 100% better than the tv series one.
Damn. She is Lestat's perfect child.
Omg and she plays the piano<3
Damn, she quoted Hamlet.
I will always be on Lestat's side tho.
That jumpscare scared me xD
Armand is kinda like Joel's Lucas.
Oo Santiago is an actor. That's kinda hot.
This is not a play, is it?
I really like Santiago.
Pity that Lestat is dead. If he really is.
Is this her real mother? No, right?
Oh so that's how they're going to kill them. Interesting method.
Damn and they really are going to be dead. I remember seeing this scene somewhere.
Santiago really reminds me of Laurent.
LET'S GO! I WAS HOPING WE WOULD SEE HIM AGAIN! LET'S GO! I had different ideas for him coming back but I'm glad anyway! But I am not happy about his ending.
I change my mind. I AM happy about his ending. I LOVE him so much<3

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