Tuesday, the 7th of May

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Morning. Just chilling. I didn't really have to rush working on my thesis, cause it turned out our Wednesday's classes got cancelled due to the prof's ilness. So yeah. I still have yesterday to work on my thesis.

That's also why I didn't wash my hair today. I'm going to do that tomorrow (and then work a bit more on my thesis, probably).

Z. had her first matura exam today - Polish. She was very happy about the outcome. No surprise, the topics were really nice, at least to me. She agreed. I'm really proud of her.

I managed to correct the fourth chapter fully and apply all the changes needed. I think it works now. I should probably do something more today, but I'm not sure I will do that. I might do something more later. If not - I will just focus on it tomorrow and for the rest of the week. I definitely have to write the introduction and conclusion by the end of the week.

It's 4:19pm now. Time to chill a bit more. I should eat some dinner, but I think I'm going to have some ice cream first.

No specific plans for the rest of the afternoon/evening. I will definitely reply to the vampire plot. And then we will see. I might play some MC or watch sth in the lat evening. Or both. Enough talking.

Nevermind. Mum messaged me about some Amadeus play in Łódź, so I checked it out and the premiere in on the 25th of May. I so do not have time to go, but she just said to buy the tickets. And I did so. Lovely. Now I simply HAVE TO find some free time for that. Please, just don't give me any complications...

Just some more chilling on yt for the rest of the evening. Duolingo lessons (I have a friends' quest with Z.). Rping with W. - S. giving M. his ring. And I also replied to the vampire plot.

I don't really have the energy to play MC today. So... It's movie time. I was going to watch The Silence of the Lambs, but I've changed my mind at the last second.

The Crow (1994):
I liked the introduction.
No wedding on Halloween? Why not?
Interesting that there is "raven" in Eric Draven.
Aww his kitty is so cute<3 What a white angel. And his name is Gabriel<3
Damn. That was intense.
Okay so he really is back. And he can heal quickly.
I like the transitions between him and the crow. That looked cool.
I like the makeup a lot. He gives off Joker vibes now.
I really like the first confrontation.
Okay, the blond guy is kinda hot. Unfortunately.
The coat >>>
Okay he is really hot now.
This one man has vampire vibes.
Aww she recognised him.
I love how he left the apartment.
Oo a crow on the ground. Pretty.
Aww the hug with Sarah.
Eddie vibes.
Omg him sitting on the table >>>
"The avenger. The killer of killers. Nice outfit." Agreed.
Oh no...
Omg he brought flowers. What a cutie.
His outfit... I still can't...
Oh no... He lost the power...
The crow! Let's go! I hated that woman.
Aww she's back to take him with her<3
"If the people we love are stolen from us... The way to have them live on is to never stop loving them. Buildings burn, purple die, but real love is forever."

I am definitely going to dive deeper in this franchise. It was a really nice movie.

I spent some time just looking at edits from The Crow and listening to Careful What You Wish For by Bad Omens. Damn, this fits so well...

Then I started reading about Brandon Lee... I can't believe he died on set!

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