It's not what it looks like

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A/N: I might start working on a new story, it's also scenarios but with flynn rider because he's hot and why tf not? (also he's the golden retriever kind of bf while Kakashi is a black cat one so yuh)

if you could show as much affection and love to the other story, I'd be so thankful 💞

And part of this chapter is inspired by lbn_N___ thanks a lot luv❤️

Without further adue, onto the  scenario!


Quick introduction: You're not used to see Kakashi around other people, especially women. Now that he's hanging around one all day, you're not sure he's into you as Anko (and literally every one of your friends) was telling you... Are you jealous of her?•





Another sunny day in Konoha. You got up with your {h/c} {h/l} hair puffed up and your eyes sore. You were up until late hours reading a book, without a thought about today: you promised Anko you'd help her get rid of some garbage and take care of one group of genins. It was her turn to lead the group on a D-ranked mission, so it's probably gonna be something easy.

Easy to get rid of.

As you brushed your teeth and combed your hair as usual, you noticed something was off, some weird feeling crawled in your skin. But, it was probably because you haven't eaten since last night. But even after the breakfast something still seemed out of tact. You didn't know what or why.

On your way to Anko's house, you saw grey-haired, tall, muscular man walking in your direction.

Oh, there he is, stay calm, stay calm...

"Oh, {name}, i didn't see you there," Kakashi casually said. "Where are you going in such a hurry?"

"Uh, I'm.. I'm off to Anko's. I promised her to make her company on her mission with some genins. You know how she is," you chuckled nervously.

"Really," he said, "well, in that case, i better not hold you back any longer. Have a nice day, {name}."

"You're not ... holding me back," you said more to yourself as Kakashi disappeared between buildings.

Defeated, you continued your way to Anko's house. You saw her at the front porch, taking out boxes in different sizes and colours, full of dust.

"{name}, where the hell have you been? Slep it again, huh," she panted. "I've been trying to move this shit out of my house the entire morning!"

"Sorry, I was up until late," you scratched your neck.

"Reading again? Ugh, seriously, {name}, that's wonderful but, it's ruining your sleep schedule! Now, i have 28 more boxes here and 17 upstairs. Better start cleaning now. Sooner you start, sooner we'll be out of this mess."

Anko was really enthusiastic about the cleaning. You've never seen such a cleaning maniac, ever. While you were bringing out one of the last boxes, Anko was looking down the street.

"Anko, you alright?"

"I am, but you probably won't be... I saw Kakashi.."


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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