It's over (or is it?) Pt. 2

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Note: part 2, fast written if i may add. now, go and enjoy! requests are open :3





•𝚀𝚞𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗: after what you heard about kakashi and his deathly mission, you decided to go after him. that wasn't a good idea, but you'll protect him no matter what.•






"he- he's... no, no that's... that's not true, he's..." you stuttered.

everyone went silent. they didn't know what to say.

"don't worry, {name}-chan," naruto said, "kakashi-sensei is one of the best ninja's in Konoha. he'll be fine!"

"I'm not so sure ... i have to find him," you said all of the sudden.

"{name}-san, it's too dangerous for you to go alone," sakura said. "plus, it's an A rank-"

"in case you forgot, i was in ANBU myself," you snapped. "i /will/ go and no one can stop me."

you marched away from them back to your apartment to get some stuff you'll need for the adventure: shurikens, kunai knives, some string... nothing too much but, might be useful.

you dressed as light as you could and went to the Hokage's office, to get some useful information.

"Hokage-sama," you shouted.

"Hm? Oh, {name}-san," the Fifth said.

Lady Tsunade looked incredibly young for her age.

"I need to know where Kakashi Hatake went. Now."

"That's a top-secret mission. not every fool can get information about that," she said coldly.

"Please, Tsunade-sama. i need to know," you begged.

"why do you want to know? don't you have any other business to do than to bother me-"

"because i love him, tsunade-sama."

her cold and annoyed expression became shocked and sympathetic. she looked through the window and stood there, looking at the stone faces of the previous Hokage's.

"you love him so much you want to go after him?"

you nodded.

"even if you know the probability of not coming back is really high?"

"Hokage-sama, I'll do anything to protect him. even if i have to die," you said confidently.

Tsunade stood still for some moments before she told you about the mission.

"T-tsunade-sama," her assistant said, "that's incredibly risky-"

"Enough. She can go."

you headed exactly where Tsunade instructed you to. you travelled for a long time without stopping, trying to sense any bit of chakra.

sun's about to set and there's nothing... no sign of anybody...

you stopped to get some rest and continue your travel when the sun sets down totally. the energy was sucked out of you and you felt incredibly sleepy. it was a peaceful place. and everything seemed comfy ... especially the grass ...

no, stay focused.

but it's only a short nap...

no, kakashi might be in danger.

you sat by a small river and drank a little bit of water. you splashed your face a few times and looked at your reflection.

you'll do it. he believes in you.

suddenly, crystal clear water became bloody like hell. you quickly ran up the river and saw someone washing their wounds. the person had silver hair and a chunin vest.


you sensed someone's chakra and found yourself standing behind a stranger's back. the kunai that was meant to hit the person behind you hit you right between your lower ribs.

"fuck," you could hear from the leaves.

you saw the stranger and quickly used shadow possession jutsu. it almost caught the target.

"{name}? what are you doing here? are you insane?"

"kakashi," you said. "shut up, okay?"

you could feel his glare behind you. you tried once more to possess the attacker, but instead, got hit by a couple of shurikens that were meant to hit kakashi.

"{name}, stop! just go," he demanded, barely standing.

"no. I'll die if i have to. but I'll protect you."

you could see a tear forming in his eye. you two could barely manage to defeat the enemy by yourself. you needed more people.

after a long fight, the enemy was killed. you two got hurt badly, but you got severe serious wounds. it was all when you protected him.

you collapsed to the ground. the blood loss was huge.

"{name}, hang on, okay? we're almost home. you'll... you'll be fine...," kakashi repeated on the edge of tears. you never heard him be so emotional since Rin's death.

"kakashi..." you whispered. "if I don't make it...-"

"don't talk nonsense, we're almost here. tsunade will take care of you, you'll... you'll be okay."

he didn't believe his own words.

"i just wanted you to know... i came here by myself. i knew you needed help. I was ready to die for you and i still am. now that i know you're okay ... i can die in peace."

"no, {name}, please... see? we're at the Konoha. we're here. you'll be okay.."

every word sounded even more faint and distant as you lost consciousness.


you saw some white, blinding lights above you. or from the side. you weren't sure.

slowly you started to hear birds chirping and feel the calm, warm wind blowing in your face.

were you in heaven? were you dead? did you really die to protect the only important person you have left? was this even real?

"you're okay."

"she'll be fine. she needs some rest."

"thank god."

"i thought i lost you..."

"don't be so reckless again, okay?"

"i don't know if you can hear me..."

"i love you.".

you managed to smile a little bit and look at the shadow above you.

"i love you too."

"I'm sorry for what i have done. will you ever forgive me?"

"of course. I can't blame you."

the shadow held your hand and leaned closer to you.

"do you want to be my girlfriend... again?"

"yes, i do," you whispered and chuckled softly and fell into a deep sleep.


i know you thought she was gonna die. nope, i still have a lot of plans for her :)

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