Are you coming?

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A/N: I've spent some time rereading the chapters so i could see how should i write next ones... gosh i forgot this needs creativity ─⁠=⁠≡⁠Σ⁠(⁠╯⁠°⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠╯⁠︵⁠┻⁠┻

P.S. This chapter was like, before the characters got together, so, yuh


Quick Introduction: all of the sudden, everything feels out  of place, frightening, panic catches your head, but it feels... good...  and exciting... as adrenaline rushes into your head, you don't even see the danger isn't danger at all. Or, perhaps, it's the biggest one you're yet to encounter.



Before night put it's cloak around the Konoha, you made a decision to go for a stress-free walk. This isn't something you usually do and you're really excited about it. Just a walk. No overthinking, no stress... Magical, ain't it?

Meditation always seemed to help you, too. Just zoning out of this realm, letting the feel of chakra slowly and calmly pass through your body while listening to the nature's melody. Heaven on Earth.

You caught yourself on the place that you discovered recently: before the river, there was small space between trees that let you have a great look on crystal water of the river. Green grass waited for you to come and sit on her, maybe even lay, so it could caress your physical body.

As you sat down, you listened carefully to what nature had to say. Sometimes, your grandma would tell you the stories about how there are three systems that animals, even plants, talk through: Echo, Web and Aura. Each of this systems was specific for each part of the nature: Aura was for land animals, Echo for water world and Web for the underground ones. But trees could communicate in both Web and Aura, "And when you hear them say something to you above the land, know that it's very important," she used to say. "They
torture themselves by trying to talk above the land. Trees communicate through earth, with their roots. That's their plaine of existence, they're tied to the earth."

You let yourself tie to the ground as trees were from the beginning of their existence. Letting go of any physical realm's problems, you let yourself sink into the feeling of comfort, feeling everything around you: warm wind, water flow, leaves quietly rustling, energy circling in its tempo and motion, as it was in the same rythm for as long as this realm exists.

Without a warning, someone hit you in the nerve you were studying for a very long time: paralysing one. Basically if you hit it, you could paralyze the opponent until you hit it again. Now it was used against you. With a blindfold covering your eyes, unknown attacker picked you up and carried into the unknown.

The only feeling you had before everything turned colder than before was warm wind on your bare legs and arms. It was soothing, really. It relaxed you. If you could call that relaxing, based on the situation. A loud thud was followed by the small pain you felt when you hit the ground.

Stay calm. You have a blade in your hand .

When you meditate, you have this weird and useful habit: anytime your eyes are closed, you have a sharp object in your hand. You practiced holding it in your sleep, and this habit was now finally of use.

Room was filled with silence that was only broke by kidnappers steps. A tight rope was tied around your arms, then legs.

Taking deep breaths, slowly regaining your body back, you lifted your head just to hit a pole you were tied to.

"I wouldn't move as much if i was you," a voice said. "And, don't worry about the paralysis. It'll go away in a few minutes."

As you tried to cut the ropes in slow and steady motion, you noticed that the thing in your hand was not as sharp as it used to be...

the fuck?

"I suppose you're looking for this," the kidnapper unfolded you and waved with the blade before your eyes. "You're not gonna need it. And what damage could this do? Cut my hair, perhaps?"

When the blindfold fell, your eyes were looking at one dark, soul consuming eye.

"I suppose i could use a haircut, though," he said, smiling behind the mask.

"Kakashi what's the meaning of this," you said, furiously. You surprised yourself with your voice. "Why on earth would you kidnap me?"

"Oh, right, because Hokage wanted to see you," he said casually, leaning on the wall with hand in his pocket, waving with the blade with the other hand.

"And there wasn't other ways of calling me, no?"

"This was more," he made a pause to look at you, "interesting."

The look between you lasted a moment before you remembered you're tied.

"Care to untie me," you asked politely.

"You can't untie yourself? Some shinobi you are.."

"I would if i had my blade back."

"Okay okay, I'll untie you," Kakashi said as he approached to untie your legs first.

As you observed him, you noticed some things you never did: like how shiny his hair is, or how body is chiseled and showing, no matter how much he tried to hide it. And his hands seemed ... skillful.

"Hey uh, by the way," you said, "why is Hokage looking for me?"

"I don't know," he said behind your back, untying the rope on your hands, "but it seemed important. Its really not my business to know everything. I know what I'm told. There, you're free to go."

As your rubbed your wrists, you noticed a cut on your palm. Were you clenching the blade that hard?

"You should probably check that up," Kakasi said, holding your hand to take a look at the cut. "It could get infected."

"I, uh, i will, right... you're still holding my hand."

"Oh, right, sorry," he chuckled.

And with that, you realised you're maybe falling in love. With the man that kidnapped you because he was bored, but hey... You always had a thing for restless killers.


And with that, i close this chapter that maybe wasn't supposed to be created, but it did. sorry and write me in the comments what else should i write i need prompts 😩

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