Long time no see ...

379 8 18

A/N: i finally have more inspiration. enjoy :3
















TPP (third person perspective)

He went outside the village for an important mission. It was a very sad saying 'goodbye'. Tears streaming from both of their faces, fear and anxiety filling the air around them, making the atmosphere heavier and heavier every moment.

"I promise, i will come back."

"What if you don't? What if someone hurts you? I won't be able to help you!"

"Hey... It's gonna be okay. Here," he handed her a piece of paper, perfectly folded. "If there is any trouble, the paper will inform you. Okay?"

She nodded, not knowing that the paper didn't do anything. It was just a plain piece of lie. Nothing was going to happen even if he was in a deadly situation. But he gave it to her so she would worry less.

Their last kiss was the most painful they've both experienced yet. No one knew what would and could happen. It could be easy as pie, or it could result in death. She knew he was a great ninja, a great jounin. But, a small bit of her told her he wasn't coming back.

When he left, she felt empty. Like someone took a part of her. She was inside whole day, not giving a damn to do things that made her feel better, to chase away dark thoughts, she didn't have strength to get up and do chores around their house.

She threw a look at the empty crib that was supposed to be their child's. The miscarriage was hard for both of them, but she felt like she was still there, with her grey hair and blue eyes. She wanted her to live, but it just wasn't possible.

Morning after morning, she waited for him to come back. Some time has passed and he still wasn't here. Paper was still on the table, collecting the dust as the time had passed. She fell into a second state of deep depression, lost a few pounds and stopped going outside. Her friends and family visited her everyday, trying to help her. But she wouldn't accept their effort. The only thing that would make her feel better was if he came back.

"y/n, darling, you can't just sit inside this dusty, filthy shack! You have to go outside! Look how sunny today is," her friend tried to get into her.

"I don't want to..."

"Let's have Ichiraku's! I bet you haven't had that in forever!"

Purple haired woman grabbed her hand and energetically pulled her up.

"Anko, please..."

"This was not a question. Let's go."

So the girls wer out, eating ramen, plucking flowers, training and so much things Y/N hadn't experienced in a while. But it still wasn't enough for her. She needed Kakashi now more than ever.

Months have passed and there was no clue where he was. She went to Hokage, trying to get some information about him, but she didn't know anything as well. Y/N had lost her hope. But not all of it. The paper was still there, on the same spot where she left it almost 6 months ago.

'It hadn't sent any information, so he must be safe', she'd thought from time to time.

In one rainy day, she decided to go for a walk. Without any hat, umbrella or anything similar. She decided if it was time to clear out her thoughts.

The walk was long, or so it seemed like it. She lost her sence of time and had no idea where, who or what she was. She was alone with her thoughts and trying to sort things out.

But, something interrupted her flow of thoughts.


Man's voice. She turned around to find her beloved, standing a few meters behind her. Tears started going all of the sudden, blending in with the rain on her pale, skinny face.

They made a few steps towards each other. She was so shocked. He finally showed up after so much time. What took him so long? Is it her imagination playing with her sick mind?

"Come here," he sighed.

Kakashi gave y/n a tight hug, but she didn't feel anything. Was it the shock? Or just the wetness of her outfit?

"It's okay... I'm here now... As I promised... I'm sorry it took so long", he said repeatedly.

"No need to say sorry, love. You're here. That's all that matters."

He lent her his hand.

"Want to dance? I know you always loved to dance in the rain."

She happily took his hand and danced on the cold rain. She looked at him and he looked at her. Tears of joy were sliding down from her face as she admired his being.

"Y/N? Why are you dancing in the rain?", a friend of hers Anko asked.

"I'll be right inside Anko. Don't worry. He's here now."

"Y/N, what are you talking about?"

She turned around to her.

"Don't you see? Kakashi, he's back!"

Anko slowly approached her, placing her hand on y/n's shoulder.

"Y/N... I know it's hard, but, Kakashi has been dead for over two months. You have to let go."

"But, he's..."

When Y/N turned back to him, he was gone. She broke down on her knees and started crying so loud that the whole neighborhood came out to help her dry and calm down.


Not what you were expecting, huh?

Kakashi scenarios [Reader inserted]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon