Inner Child Healing

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A/N: i think it's really important to talk about this. People don't usually know how to express inner child problems and i myself have them. so, I'll write abt it.

ANYWAYS I UPDATED SOME CHAPTERS, CHANGED THEM A BIT AND MADE A PLAYLIST FOR READING (maybe i should've put that on the beginning of the story.... hm.)

here's the link:




  𝚀𝚞𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗: you always had problems with your inner child, as lack of parents in your life left a huge gap inside you. now that kakashi is here, he's constantly healing your gap, without knowing it. But you feel the consequences...•









it was another stormy and hollow night. you and your beloved one (kakashi ofc) decided to have one meditation sequence. well, it was more of your command, but hey.

"and why do we have to meditate, again," he asked for a fourth time in 10 minutes.

"beCAUSE," you said, slowly losing your last few nerves, "it is quite important to have a stable mind and clean chakra. as a half-healing ninja, i know the importance of this."


"and also, reconnecting with your clear inner self is also important part of life, as embracing all parts of yourself is-"

"okay, i know all of that shit already," he interrupted.

"oh yeah mr. i-know-it-all? then, let's see how long you'll lasf," you said in quite challenging tone.

"fine," he said calmly.

you two sat on the floor, preparing yourself for meditation with some breathing exercises and affirmations.

as soon as you felt your mind drifting away, you heard some noise inside of your chest.

"he's good. right?"

it sounded afraid and sad.

"he is," you replied calmly.

"he won't hurt us?"


"he wouldn't leave us alone?"

"never and ever."

"are you sure," third voice said.

"i am."

"well," said the more confident, mocking voice, "what if he's exactly the same as everyone?"

"he isn't," said the childlike voice.

"or is he?"

"don't do that..." child said, her voice shaking.

"what? you just can't face the real world. you're just a coward. and he's as big asshole as your father was."

"it's wasn't his fault," you said. "he was sick."

"but he hurt us..."

"yes," said that confidential voice, "he hurt us in so many ways. and so will he..."

"he won't, right,' child said desperately wanting to believe me.

you wanted to believe your own words, but now, you questioned everything about kakashi.

"kakashi isn't perfect. but he loves us. and he wants the best for us. he's here and he's not leaving," you said.

"y/n? honey, are you alright?"

his voice and him shaking your body brought you back.

"thank you," you said through tears.

"for what? are you sure you're alright? maybe we should leave this for some other day... I'll make you some tea, or you want to talk to me about it? or you just want to cuddle with me?"

he kept talking like on batteries. he wasn't stopping, even when he hugged you.

he's good. he's not like dad. don't lose him. please ...

your inner child made you even more aware of importance of kakashi's presence in your life. more tears sled down your cheeks and you hugged him even tighter.

"I'll get you some tea, darling," he said.

he picked you up, put you on the couch and covered you with the softest blankets possible.

after some time, he showed up with a chamomile tea in your favourite mug.

"i added some honey and i brought you cinnamon biscuits, just as you love," kakashi said, putting everything in front of you, on the small coffee table.

"thank you, sweetie," you said through a tired smile.

"don't thank me, this is a bare minimum. now, do you wnna talk about it or you'd rather get a cuddle session with your favourite pillow?"

you chuckled and leaned on his chest, inhaling his cologne. it was your favourite.

"i love you, kashi. so much," you said out of the blue.

"you're not planning suicide, are you?"

"hahaha, no silly. i just... needed to say this."

"i love you too, darling. i love you to the moon and back."


go back to the beginning for some changed chapters. i just can't - i was really cringe. I don't wanna talk abt the you're drunk chapter ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
just- ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ

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