Almost Failed...

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A/N: im gettin' creative ppl











"do you understand you put both yourself and
kakashi in great danger," Tsunade said.

"I know, and I'm sorry Hokage-sama," y/n said, bowing.

"and you," she turned to kakashi, "should've paid more attention to her," she sighed. "How did that happen anyway?"




rewind the time
kakashi's pov



"so, what's the main objective again," y/n asked.

"our main objective is to find as much information about orochimaru as we can. it shouldn't be difficult since it's a party after all," i said, looking all around the streets, trying to find any sign of suspiciousness.

"alright. that should be easy enough."

"don't say it twice."

as we were roaming through the town, I've noticed someone has been following us for a bit.

"we're being watched," she whispered.

"act normal. if they don't go away, we'll have to get somewhere where we can do the job."

the eyes were on us constantly. we tried to act as normal as we could, but y/n seemed a bit stressed out. i was afraid this was going to happen.

"hey," i said and took her hand, "it's gonna be okay. you know that. you'll do great, okay?"

she nodded and squeezed my hand. she wouldn't let go. i guess that gave her at least some kind of safeness.

we finally made it to the hall where the party was supposed to be. there was some sort of security, but with a simple transformation justu, we were in.

"idiots," i thought.

y/n still seemed stressed and anxious.

"you got this. I'll be around. if anything happens, just use the sign we agreed to, okay?"

"okay. and, kakashi..."


"i love you."

"i love you too, sweetie. now go."

she went into the crowd and disappeared within seconds. I don't know how much she'll last, but every information is of use.

after some time, i saw a whole bunch of people gathering around the centre of dance floor. some people were shouting and cheering, some were dancing along and familiar voice came from the very centre of the crowd.

i tried reaching to the dance floor and somehow made it through. then i saw her and I knew we fucked up.

"y/n? what are you doing here? don't tell me you're drunk..." i sighed.

"not At aLl~" she giggled.

"that's it, we're going home."

the whole crowd awed and booed at me.

"no, you've crossed the line, we're heading back."

"PlEaaaSe... jUst a *hic* fEw moRE mINuTes~"


i picked her up and we went back to konoha, without much information. y/n didn't remember anything at all and who knows what was she doing.





back to present
TPP (Third Person Perspective)





"y/n, i must say im very disappointed in you," Tsunade sighed. "well, i think it's time to give you a bit of rest from all the missions 'til you learn your lesson."


"that was my order. you're just endangering the missions. And your teammates. Who know what could've happened if Kakashi wasn't there?"

"well, i believe you would've drunk too if you were there, Hokage-sama," kakashi said.

Tsunade blushed a little and narrowed her eyebrows.

"you may go now," she said and sent them outside, turning her back to them.

on the way back to their home, y/n seemed a bit off.

"Hey," kakashi said, "it's okay. it happens."

"no, she's right. i am endangering everyone. I don't know why she picked me of all the jounins."

"because she knew you were the right one for social interactions without being suspicious. Don't worry about getting drunk and failing. it... it happens. Now, let's go and watch some movies, huh? how about that?"

she nodded and kakashi gave her a tight hug, kissed her forehead and they proceeded on their way home.


I'm working on a big spin-off  chapter. prepare mortals. :)

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