First date

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Note: this might be the longest chapter I've written. tho i have to rearrange everything for the f-ing timeline. also requests are still open. pls write smth ;-;





•𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗: Kakashi was a little weird towards you a few days before he actually asked you out. he. asked you. out. eek!•




"Kurenai, i don't think this is a good idea.."

"why, {name}? c'mon, it cannot look that bad."

"it looks awful."

"just get out already!"

you stepped out of the changing room in the one really tight red dress. you felt really uncomfortable and the dress was mildly pressing your ribs.

"I can't breathe in this thing," you protested.

"{name}, it looks goddamn fine on you, I'm not gonna lie," kurenai said, looking at you with her eyes wide.

"kurenai, this is too uncomfortable, I'm taking this off," you said and pulled the curtains back.

"but, {name}..."

"no but's. this is my decision."

you two continued your day out by going to kurenai's place to watch movies and talk about Asuma.

since kurenai has a crush on him, she doesn't talk about anyone else. she really likes him.

tho u didn't want to tell her about your crush on kakashi. nuh-uh, no way brother. it's not like you didn't trust her but... you wanted to keep that private.

on your way to kurenai's place, you accidentally bumped into someone with grey hair.

"oh, I'm sorry-,"

"no worries, it can happen to anyone."

he turned around and you two stared at each other for some time. you felt blood running into your face but you couldn't do anything about it.

"{name}, you look a bit red," he said and you just looked at kurenai desperately.

"are you okay," Kakashi said and gently touched your forehead.

"uuuh I'm- I'm alright i uh it's just uhh... let's go kurenai," you said and walked off a bit faster than you should've.

"matte, {name}, i wanted to ask you something..."

fuck. why now?

you stopped at that moment and cold sweat started rolling down your cheeks.


"how about... we have a little walk later?"

kurenai's look was one moment on you the other on kakashi, connecting the dots. she then walked up to you and pushed you playfully.

"you know, i have some plans later so, you can go with him, {name}"

kurenai, i hate and love you at the same time.

"o-okay, I'll see you around then," you said and pulled kurenai with you to her house not so far away.

"I can't thank you more but, WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU DOING?!"

kurenai laughed and told you it's time to get ready.

*time skip cuz I'm lazy asf :/*

"you look stunning, {name}," kurenai said with a smirk. "he'll be speechless."

"it's.... my casual outfit, kurenai."

"okay, but still i have to give you a little confidence. now, go go go!"

"a'ight, see ya and thanks," you waved from behind and went to the place you have last seen kakashi.

you waited for quite a bit (nothing too unusual for him to be late) and after some time, he showed up with a small flower in his hands. it was narcissus, one of your favourites. it was red with some orange strokes.

"sorry I'm late," he said, scratching his neck. "i stopped by and got you this. Kurenai told me you like these."

"i- thanks..." you said slightly shocked and accepted the flower.

"so, shall we?"

you nodded and you two continued down through the konoha to the gates outside. the sun was brighter than ever and the grass seemed greener. The leaves sounded different than before and the river was as crystal as ever. everything seemed different when he was around. the world seemed... brighter.

you walked down the river and the silence between you was a bit uncomfortable but, it was okay with you. nature was fulfilling it.

suddenly, kakashi stopped walking.

"is something wrong, kakashi," you asked.

he sat on the grass and locked his look on the river for a moment, before looking back at you dreamingly.

"how about we sit here for a little..."

he sounded nostalgic and you sat beside him. his eyes were reflecting the river before you and he sighed.

"do you remember... when we used to train here?"

that's why i know this place.

"i remember."

"do you remember when you couldn't walk on water and constantly fell into the river," he chuckled.

"yeah, yeah, hard times," you said ironically.

he smiled and looked you in the eyes. the feeling of blood rushing in your face overflew you. you quickly looked away, pretending to look at the forest.

"you know," he said randomly, "you're really cute when you blush."


he pecked you and you sat there in mild shock.

did he just kiss me? the fuck... what, how, when..

"do you ever shut up," he smiled.

you still sat looking at him in disbelief.

"what was that..." you said and mechanically touched your lips.

your heart was racing like insane. like it would jump out of your chest.

"I wanted to tell you this for quite some time now, but there wasn't time for that. now, i think you should know..."

your breath became sharp but quiet.

"...i think i really like you, {name}."

no answer. there was some uncomfortable silence between you. you'd never expect kakashi to say that. to you.

"...i like you too, kakashi.."

your eyes met and you couldn't stop smiling. you'd let a tear right now, but you wanted to stay calm.


"yeah. a lot, actually."

without any further conversation, you pulled his mask down and immediately kissed him. you knew he never showed anyone his face and you wanted it to stay like that.

he hugged you around your waist and pulled you closer.

"is this real," you whispered after a long kiss.

"as real as it could be."


i got bit by a wasp ;((

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