Chapter 19

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Cloud shot up from his moss bed, gasping for breath as he watched his brother Lightning get impaled yet again. He looked around the room and saw Freya sleeping peacefully in her moss bed beside his. He was now situated in Aunt Wings' den ever since the whole abuse fiasco last moon, and he was getting healed up quite nicely. His cuts no longer stung, and his bruises were starting to fade.

Even still, it didn't stop the pain he felt inside his heart.

Cloud sighed, stood up and went outside. He needed some air. He might have been in a new place, but the memories still haunted him.

It was twilight, the sky was just starting to lighten as the sun was preparing to rise over the horizon. Many wolves were still asleep in their dens.

It almost felt weird to not see any Fyren wolves around.. But also comforting in a way, it made him feel like there wasn't a war.. Like he would see Lighting and his mother, Mist, emerging from their family den at any moment..

If it wasn't for the guards situated all around the camp, or the faint sound of clanging coming from the forges as the blacksmiths made their armor.. Or the scars laden on his back.. he might have believed it.

He was startled when he realized that his paws had taken him back to his family den that he used to live in. It felt so natural to walk back here.. But it wasn't his home anymore. The dark entrance that used to feel warm and welcoming, now felt cold and foreboding... Inside he could hear Storm muttering to himself, as he often did these days.

Since the Fire Wolves broke the alliance, Storm became a shell of his former self. No longer was he the strong leader he had once looked up to.. But he had gone crazy.. Driven mad by thoughts of war and death.

Even still.. Cloud longed for his affection once more.

"...We're... outnumbered! Out..numbered! The troops! ... They're dead! We..n-need..more! More troops!! wolves! All gone! We're all gonna die..."

Cloud peeked his head inside of the den entrance and saw Storm curled up on his pelts, "Alllllll aloneeeee!" The Sky Alpha wailed on his bed of pelts. Suddenly he stood up and ran over to the stone wall and screamed, swiping stuff off of the shelves, "YOU'RE THE ONES WHO DID THIS TO ME!! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU ALL!!" He seemed to be fighting an imaginary foe as he continued thrashing around his den, still unaware of his son's presence peering through the cave entrance.

Cloud backed away, disgusted. He had seen enough. There had to be some way to help his father.. Some way to gain back his affections once more.. Some way for both him and Freya to prove themselves to him.... ' Alllllll aloneeeee!' Storm's cry echoed in his head.. And suddenly, he had an idea. "T-That's it!" A smile creeped onto his face, "I know a way!" he giggled.

He heard a louder crash coming from inside the den and flinched. He'd better get out of here and tell Freya before Storm came out and ruined him before he had the chance to prove himself to him.. He scampered off back to Wings' den, a bounce in his step as he went.

"Freya! Freya!" Cloud called as he neared Wings' den once more. He had been gone for quite some time, for now the sun was over the horizon, and the clouds above were becoming a lighter gray.

Freya was now awake, and was helping Wings to move some herbs from their den to the Healers Den. She had a bundle of leaves in her mouth, and inside were the precious herbs used to treat wounds that were necessary to fight infections. She looked up at him and placed the herbs down gently, tilting her head slightly to the left as she saw him looking so eager. She hadn't seen him this excited in.. well.. ever. "What is it?" She asked,

"I-I have a plan!" Cloud exclaimed, his eyes sparkled with this new found hope. This was a light she hadn't ever seen before. Whatever it was.. It seemed to cheer him up, so she sat down to listen to what he had to say.

Wolves of the Elements| #1 The Lost HeirWhere stories live. Discover now