Anxiety All Day - Matt

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In the dimly lit room, Matt sat hunched over his journal, pen scratching the paper as he poured his thoughts onto the pages.

Chris had gone out with same friends for a sleepover and wasn't coming back until tomorrow morning.

Nick, engrossed in video editing, occasionally glanced over at his brother. Sensing something amiss, Nick closed his laptop and moved closer to Matt.

Nick: "Hey, what's going on? You've been writing in that journal all day."

Matt looked up, anxiety etched across his face.

Matt: "I don't know, Nick. It's just... I've been feeling off. Anxious, you know?"

Nick nodded, understanding the struggles Matt faced.

Nick: "You want to talk about it?"

Matt hesitated but then nodded, appreciating Nick's offer.

Matt: "I don't even know why it's hitting me today. It's like a weight on my chest."

Nick: "It happens, Matt. You don't always need a reason. Let's take a break. I'll help you through this."

As Nick guided Matt away from his journal, they settled in the living room.

Nick fetched some water, and they sat together, the glow of the laptop casting a soft light on their faces.

Nick: "Just breathe, Matt. In and out. We'll get through this together."

Throughout the day, Nick proved to be a pillar of support for Matt. Whether it was a sudden panic attack or bouts of anxiety, Nick was there, offering words of reassurance and comfort.

Later, as they were sitting side by side, Matt's anxiety flared up again. This time, he absentmindedly started biting his nails.

Nick, noticing the telltale signs, gently placed a hand on Matt's shoulder.

Nick: "Hey, relax. Biting your nails won't help. Let's do something else to take your mind off things."

Together, they took a break, engaging in light banter and even throwing in a few
jokes, the familiar camaraderie easing the tension.

After a while, Nick and Matt, immersed in video editing, found solace in their work, each task serving as a distraction from the lingering anxieties.

However, the peace was momentarily shattered when Matt accidentally deleted a significant portion of their video project. Panic surged through him, and anxiety reared its head once more.

Matt: "Oh no, Nick! I messed up big time. The entire edit is gone!"

Nick, unfazed, placed a reassuring hand on Matt's shoulder.

Nick: "It's okay, Matt. We'll figure it out together. Let's take a breather and then tackle this, alright?"

Taking Nick's advice, they stepped away from the computer.

As they returned to editing, Matt's mood lightened. He found comfort in knowing that even when mistakes happened, Nick was there to help him navigate through the challenges.

Later in the evening, they decided to take a break from the screen and started talking about different ideas for podcast.

Nick: "Alright, Matt, hit me with a random topic."

Matt, feeling a surge of confidence, started talking about a lot of ideas going in full details. While laughing together.

In the midst of laughter, Nick leaned over to Matt.

Nick: "You see, distracting yourself can work wonders. Anxiety doesn't stand a chance against our charm."

As the clock ticked past midnight, they realized they had inadvertently spent the entire night engrossed in their creative thoughts.

The anxiety that had plagued Matt earlier seemed like a distant memory, replaced by a sense of accomplishment.

Finally, they wrapped up their tasks, leaving the living room filled with the glow of a completed project and the warmth of shared experiences. Matt looked at Nick with gratitude.

Matt: "Thanks, Nick. I couldn't have gotten through today without you."

Nick, ever the supportive brother, simply grinned.

Nick: "Anytime, Matt. We're in this together, always."

As they were about to fall asleep together in Nick's room. Nick noticed how Matt had gotten quite. Not wanting Matt to overthink something and have anxiety he started talking.

Nick: "We make a good team, don't we?"

Matt, now more at ease, smirked.

Matt: "Yeah, yeah. I guess you're not so bad after all."

They shared a brotherly hug, the unspoken understanding between them affirming the strength of family bonds.

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