Zoning Out - Matt

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In the dimly lit parking lot, Matt, set up their camera for another late-night car video. As they were talking, Matt, behind the wheel, suddenly zoned out during the conversation.

Nick nudged Chris, "Hey, what's up with Matt? He's been doing this a lot lately."

Chris, always ready with a flirty remark, teased, "Maybe he's daydreaming about me again." They shared a laugh, but concern lingered.

Later that night, as they wrapped up filming, they found Matt lost in his thoughts. Concern turned to worry when, despite their attempts to snap him out of it, Matt remained unresponsive.

Chris, growing increasingly uneasy, shook Matt gently. "Come on, Matt, snap out of it!" But Matt's eyes remained distant, lost in a mental haze.

Nick, being genuinely concern, added, "Seriously, what's going on, Matt?"

Finally, Matt snapped back, but his eyes were still unfocused. "I... I don't know. I've been getting these weird moments lately," he admitted, his vulnerability breaking through the banter.

Chris, now more serious, suggested, "Maybe you should talk to someone about it. Like, for real."

Matt hesitated, then nodded, "Yeah, maybe I should."

Concerned about Matt's well-being, they decided to take him to the doctor to unravel the mystery behind his episodes.

In the waiting room, Matt fidgeted nervously, while Nick and Chris attempted to lighten the mood with their jokes.

Nick teased, "Come on, Matt, maybe the doctor will prescribe you a chill pill."

Chris added, "Or maybe he'll prescribe you a Chris antidote. Might be the cure."

Despite the light-hearted comments, the tension in the air was palpable.

The doctor, after conducting tests and discussing Matt's symptoms, finally delivered the verdict.

The doctor explained, "It seems that these episodes are happening when Matt experiences stress or anxiety. It's not uncommon, and fortunately, it doesn't appear to be anything serious. However, I would recommend exploring stress management techniques and keeping an eye on his anxiety triggers."

Matt, relieved that it wasn't a severe medical issue, sighed, "So, I'm not losing my mind?"

The doctor chuckled, "Definitely not. It's a common reaction to stress. I'd also suggest considering therapy again; it could help you navigate through these moments."

Nick, ever the supportive brother, chimed in, "We got your back, Matt. Whatever you need."

Chris added, "Yeah, we're a team, remember?"

As they left the hospital Nick and Chris, fueled by their determination to support Matt, decided to take a proactive approach.

They sat down with Matt and, crafted a list of potential stressors or triggers that might lead to his episodes.

Nick, with a smirk, said, "Alright, Matt, let's figure out what sends you into the Twilight Zone."

Chris, always ready with a witty comment, added, "Maybe it's just the overwhelming handsomeness of yours truly. It's a lot to handle."

Jokes aside, they compiled a genuine list of possible stress triggers, including work pressure, social situations, and even the intensity of their YouTube schedule. It was an effort to understand Matt's struggles and create a supportive environment.

One day, during a particularly hectic filming schedule, Matt started to zone out. Without missing a beat, Nick and Chris jumped into action. Chris gently guided Matt to a quiet corner while Nick managed the filming logistics.

Chris, with a reassuring tone, said, "Take your time, Matt. We got this."

They created a safe space for Matt to navigate through his thoughts. Chris, recalling the doctor's advice, engaged Matt in a calming conversation, steering away from potential stress triggers.

As Matt gradually emerged from his episode, Nick grinned, "Welcome back to the land of the living, buddy."

Chris chimed in, "You're not getting rid of us that easily."

From that day forward, Nick and Chris made sure to always look out for Matt whenever he was having an episode.

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