Bad Day - Chris

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The day started off with a series of unfortunate events for Chris.

From frigid showers to depleted toothpaste, and mismatched clothes, everything seemed to conspire against him. The day's tight schedule only added fuel to the fire.

Amidst meetings and plans for filming, Chris found himself at odds with everyone. He bickered with Nick over trivial things, and even Matt wasn't spared from the storm of his frustrations.

The tension in the air was palpable as the triplets faced the challenges of their busy day.

As they gathered for their third meeting, Chris's frustration reached a breaking point.

Feeling a wave of guilt for lashing out at his brothers, he abruptly stood up and stormed out of the meeting room. Concerned, Nick and Matt exchanged glances and quickly followed him.

In the bathroom, Chris looked at himself in the mirror. "What's wrong with me today? Why am I taking it out on them?" he mumbled to himself, realizing the weight of his actions. The mirror became a sounding board for his inner turmoil.

Nick cautiously approached, "Chris, what's going on?"

Chris sighed, "I don't know, guys. It's just... everything feels off today. I shouldn't have snapped at you and Matt like that. I'm sorry."

Feeling the sincerity in Chris's apology, Matt gently took Chris's hands into his, rubbing his knuckles as a silent gesture of support.

Nick, understanding the gravity of the moment, wrapped Chris in a comforting hug. The bathroom floor became an unexpected haven for the trio.

Chris, overwhelmed by the genuine care from his brothers, felt a lump forming in his throat. "I... I didn't mean to ruin the day for everyone," he admitted, his voice tinged with vulnerability.

Nick squeezed him tighter, offering reassurance. "We all have rough days, Chris. It's okay. We're here for you."

Matt, chimed in, "It happens, Chris. We're here for you. You can talk to us."

Chris, still wrestling with his emotions, nodded. "I appreciate that. It's just been a string of annoying things since morning, and I let it get to me. I needed a moment to clear my head."

Nick stepped forward, giving Chris a reassuring hug. "Take your time, but remember, we're a team. We support each other, even on the not-so-great days."

Matt, added "Exactly".

"I really appreciate you guys," Chris whispered, a hint of gratitude breaking through his troubled expression.

Matt smiled warmly, "We appreciate you too, Chris. Let's get through the rest of the day together."

Chris managed a half-smile, appreciating the understanding of his brothers.

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