Self Harm - Matt

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This story was requested by Scarletv0124

Hope you enjoy!

One morning Chris goes to get Matt for breakfast and noticed that Matt was up already in the bathroom so he just yells at Matt to come to the Kitchen when he gets out and leaves.

When Matt comes to the kitchen they were already eating cereals Nick had made Matt a bowl too but as soon as Matt held the spoon to his mouth he dropped it and apologized but it kept happening over and over again at this point they were worried.

That's when Nick sees a cut on Matt's hand and gets concerned and quickly holds Matt's hand.

Matt, seeing the concern in Nick's eyes, quickly pulls his hand away, trying to hide the fresh cuts.

Matt: (nervously) Oh, it's nothing. Just a stupid accident with a kitchen knife last night.

Nick: (serious) Matt, what were you doing in the kitchen? You never cook alone.

Matt hesitates, glancing down.

Matt: I wasn't cooking anything. I was trying to open my amazon package when I accidentally got a cut don't worry about it.

Nick: careful next time. I don't want to see your dead body at 8 in the morning.

Matt and Chris just laugh at how Nick was overreacting.

Chris could tell that Matt was gonna leave his cereal like that and that Matt wasn't gonna try again to eat so he softly offers to help and feeds Matt.

Matt didn't saying anything and let Chris feed him knowing that Chris wouldn't leave him alone.

After they were done Matt just leaves without saying anything again. Which made them worried again.

Matt had been so distant lately and barely talked. He would always have dark circles under his eyes and would hardly leave his room. He was getting weaker each day and it was really concerning. This was worrying both his brothers but they didn't want to make Matt uncomfortable or worse anxious so they decided to wait a bit longer trying to find a good time to ask Matt what was wrong.

Later that same night, as they film a late-night car video, Nick notices Matt disappearing after they finish.

Nick: (concerned) Where's Matt going?

Chris: (worried) I don't know. He's been acting strange lately.

Following his gut feeling, Nick decides to check on Matt. He quietly heads to the bathroom and, to his shock, finds Matt on the floor, holding a razor.

Nick: (panicking) Matt, no! What are you doing?

Matt looks up, eyes filled with shame and despair.

Matt: I-I just... I can't handle it anymore.

Nick immediately sits down beside Matt, gently taking the razor from his hand.

Nick: You don't have to face this alone, Matt. We're your brothers, and we care about you.

Chris enters the scene, realizing the severity of the situation.

Chris: Matt, we love you. Please let us help.

Chris pulls Matt into a hug and Nick joins in with tears falling down their faces.

Nick continues to hold Matt, a mixture of concern and sadness etched on his face.

Nick: (gentle) Matt, can I see?

Matt nods silently, and Nick carefully lifts Matt's sleeve, revealing the self-inflicted wounds. A gasp escapes Nick's lips, and Chris, who has joined them, shares in the shock.

Chris: (softly) Matt, is there... is there more?

There's a heavy silence as Matt hesitates, contemplating whether to share the extent of his pain.

After a few agonizing moments, Matt points at his stomach, and Chris, with a deep breath, lifts Matt's shirt slightly. The sight of additional cuts leaves both brothers speechless.

Chris: (whispering) Matt, why didn't you tell us?

Matt: (teary-eyed) I was scared, guys. Scared of burdening you, scared of how you'd react.

Nick tightens his grip on Matt, expressing a silent promise of support.

Nick: We're here for you, Matt. No matter what.

Chris, though visibly shocked, takes a moment to gather himself.

Chris: (gentle) Let's get you the help you need, okay? We're in this together.

After a while of sitting together on the cold floor Nick carefully lifts Matt into his arms, being mindful of the cuts, and carries him to his room. Gently placing Matt on the bed, Nick and Chris surround him with warmth and comfort, forming a protective embrace.

Nick: (softly) We've got you, Matt.

As the three of them lie together, Nick notices Chris quietly weeping. Sensing the shared pain, Nick decides to bring some medicine for Matt's cuts. Chris, still holding Matt, watches silently as Nick tends to the wounds.

Chris: (whispering) Thank you, Nick.

Nick finishes applying the medicine, and as he leaves the room, Chris wipes away his tears. He then wraps his arms around Matt, holding him tightly from behind, as if trying to shield him from the pain.

Chris: (whispering) I'm here, Matt. Always.

Nick returns to find Chris in tears, and he silently acknowledges the shared emotional weight they carry. Nick joins them, he wipes Chris's tears with his thumb and gives the softest smile he could which Chris returned and both cuddle into Matt, creating a bond that goes beyond words.

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