Sick - Matt

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On one particularly chilly midnight outing to film a car video, Matt was feeling uncharacteristically unwell. He kept it to himself, not wanting to ruin the night for his brothers. As they arrived at the dimly lit parking lot, excitement filled the air.

As the video recording began, their banter and playful cursing filled the air. Matt tried his best to stay engaged, but his condition was deteriorating rapidly. Chris, always in a teasing mood, couldn't help but flirtatiously say, "Hey Matt, you look hot tonight."

Matt chuckled weakly, "Chris, you always know how to make my heart race." Little did they know, it was racing for a different reason.

Nick chimed in, "Alright, lovebirds, save the flirting for later. Let's get to the car stuff." Their laughter continued, but Matt's smile faded as he felt a wave of dizziness wash over him.

Minutes passed, and Matt's vision blurred. He struggled to keep the car on track as he navigated the road. Suddenly, his head began to spin, and his grip on the steering wheel weakened.

Panicking, Matt gasped, "Guys, I don't feel so good."

Nick, thinking it was another one of Matt's jokes, replied, "Come on, Matt, you can't fool us with that."

But Matt couldn't respond. His vision darkened, and the next thing he knew, he had fainted, his body slumping against the steering wheel. The sudden silence in the car alarmed his brothers, and they turned to see their middle triplet unconscious.

In a flurry of panic and concern, Nick and Chris realized the severity of the situation. Chris urgently shouted, "Matt! Wake up, man!"

"Matt, come on, wake up," Nick said, his voice trembling with concern.

After what felt like an eternity, Matt's eyes slowly fluttered open, and he took a sharp gasp of air. He looked disoriented and bewildered, not fully comprehending what had just happened.

Nick and Chris shared a look of relief as Matt's eyes focused on them. They made sure he was okay, feeling a mixture of worry and relief washing over them. Nick reached out to pat Matt's arm reassuringly. "You scared us, Matt," he said softly.

Matt's expression shifted from confusion to guilt. He realized the gravity of the situation, and his thoughts turned darker. He could've caused a car accident, hurt his brother's or someone else. The weight of the potential consequences hit him hard.

Just as his anxiety was about to overwhelm him, Chris shook Matt gently and pulled him into a tight hug. "Hey, it's okay, Matt. We're all safe, and that's what matters right now," he said, his voice full of affection and understanding.

Nick joined the embrace, rubbing Matt's back in a comforting gesture. "We are here, you are here ," he added.

Matt felt tears welling up in his eyes as he buried his face in Chris's shoulder. The love and support from his brothers were the balm to his distress, reminding him of the importance of their unshakable connection.

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