Stubborn - Nick

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On a particular week, Nick had been editing their latest video, and it was driving him to the brink of madness. He hunched over his computer, frowning at the screen, as his fingers tapped away at the keyboard. Matt and Chris, sensing his frustration, decided to intervene.

Chris chimed in, "Nick, you really need to edit faster, or we'll be in the next century before this video's up. Maybe you need a good night's sleep, but with someone like me, if you know what I mean."

Nick glanced up from his screen, an eyebrow arched. "Chris, don't even start with your flirty jokes. I don't need a distraction right now."

Matt, said, "Come on, guys, let's focus. Nick, what's been holding you back? Maybe we can help."

Nick sighed, his frustration evident. "I've been struggling with this edit for a week now. It just doesn't feel right, and I can't figure out why."

Matt, who understood the pressure and anxiety, tried to offer some guidance. "You know, Nick, it's okay to ask for help. Remember when I went to therapy for my anxiety? It helped me a lot. Maybe we can help you in the same way."

Nick hesitated but then nodded, acknowledging their support. "Alright, maybe you guys are right. Let's sit down together and go through it. Chris, no more jokes for now."

Chris put on a mock pout and said, "Fine, but just this once."

As the three of them gathered around the computer, Nick's stubbornness began to fade. Matt and Chris, despite their occasional teasing and cursing, showed their true brotherly love, ready to help him tackle his editing woes.

In the end, they managed to pull together, combining their unique talents and personalities to create a video that was better than any of them could have done individually. They celebrated their success with a group hug.

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