Dark Voices - Matt

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One day, Matt found himself in a dark place, a place where the whispers in his mind grew louder, more insistent.

These voices told him he wasn't enough, that he was a burden to his brothers, and that he'd never truly fit in. At times, Matt couldn't hear anything else over the relentless voices that tore at his self-esteem.

Nick and Chris, engrossed in their busy YouTube schedule, hadn't noticed the subtle shift in Matt's behavior.

That was until one fateful night when they were driving back home after filming a video. Matt was behind the wheel, and his foot seemed heavier on the gas pedal than usual. Chris glanced over at Matt and noticed a distant, troubled look in his eyes, and Nick had a similar feeling. They exchanged concerned glances before Nick tried to break the tension.

"What's the rush, Matt?" Nick asked, concern lacing his voice.

Chris chimed in, "Yeah, we're not in a race. What's going on?"

Matt stared straight ahead, his mind preoccupied with the relentless voices that had taken control. "Don't worry about it, guys," he replied, his voice unsteady. "I just... have some stuff on my mind."

Nick and Chris exchanged another look, sensing something more profound was happening. Matt's distant demeanor worried them. They tried to reach out to him, asking him what was bothering him, but all they received were vague, dismissive responses.

The rest of the car ride was filled with a heavy, unsettling silence. Matt's internal struggle was hidden beneath his outward facade, and Nick and Chris couldn't break through to him. Little did they know, they were on the brink of discovering the extent of Matt's pain and the battle he was silently fighting.

As they arrived home, the tension in the car remained palpable. Matt, still grappling with the overwhelming whispers in his mind, made a swift excuse and retired to his room, shutting the door behind him.

Nick and Chris exchanged worried glances, both sensing that something was genuinely wrong with their brother. They couldn't ignore the feeling that Matt was struggling with something far more serious than he was letting on.

"Should we talk to him?" Chris asked, his voice reflecting his concern.

Nick nodded solemnly. "Yeah, we can't just let this slide. I'll try first."

Nick made his way to Matt's room and knocked softly, but there was no response. He tried again, this time calling out, "Matt, it's me, Nick. Can I come in?"

Silence hung in the air for a moment before Matt hesitantly opened the door. His eyes were tired, heavy with the weight of the internal turmoil he was enduring.

"Hey, is everything okay?" Nick asked, trying to convey his worry without being pushy.

Matt hesitated, torn between the comfort of confiding in his brother and the fear of burdening him with his struggles. "I'm fine, Nick. Just had a rough day. It's nothing, really."

Nick, however, saw through the facade. "You know you can talk to us, right? We're here for you, no matter what."

The words struck a chord with Matt, reminding him of the unconditional support they always shared. He hesitated for a moment before finally breaking down the walls he'd been building around himself. He poured out his inner turmoil, sharing the overwhelming voices that plagued him, the feelings of inadequacy, and the weight he felt on his shoulders.

Nick listened attentively, his heart aching for his brother. "We've got your back, Matt. We'll figure this out together, okay?"

Chris joined them, sensing the intensity of the moment. The three brothers sat together, talking late into the night, discussing the steps they could take to support Matt through his struggles.

Over the following days and weeks, they made adjustments to their YouTube schedule to give Matt space and time for self-care. They encouraged him to seek professional help again, supporting him in every step of his journey toward healing.

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