Fainting Spells-Matt

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Matt has been having a lot of fainting spells happening randomly at any time of the day.

Nick and Chris didn't know anything that was happening to Matt as it would happen mostly when Matt was alone.

One fateful morning, the sunlight streamed into their shared bedroom, revealing Matt's fragile state. As he stood by the window, Matt's world suddenly spun, and he collapsed onto the floor. Nick and Chris, alarmed and confused, rushed to his side.

Nick: "What the hell, Matt? Are you okay?"

Matt, regaining consciousness, was disoriented but didn't want to admit his long-hidden issue: fainting spells.

Matt: "I...I'm fine. Just got dizzy."

Chris: "That didn't look like 'just dizzy' to me, bro."

Despite his attempts to brush it off, Matt couldn't hide his condition anymore. It was time to confront his anxiety and let his brothers in on the secret he'd been hiding all along.

Nick: "We're here for you, Matt. You don't have to hide anything from us."

Chris: "Yeah, Mart. We're brothers. We've got your back."

Tears welled up in Matt's eyes as he realized that it was time to share his hidden pain with the people he trusted most.

Matt: "I've been having these fainting spells for a while. It's my anxiety. I thought I could handle it alone, but maybe I can't."

The brothers just embraced each other as Matt relaxed knowing that he was in good hands.

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