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You guys all sat trying to figure out a plan as you were cuddled up with Mirage silently and Noah was still staring at Elena in worry.

Other than that everyone was on their own heads.

Your head pounded against your temples in frustration.

How could it have gotten this bad?

You felt a familiar lump in your throat and those unwanted thoughts came into your head.

What if I never see my family again?

What if I never see Mirage again?

I never even got to live my life.

Is my little brother okay?

What about my mother?

I'm not strong enough for this.

I should've never come.

Will we still be able to do this?

You were falling apart at the seams, all confidence and laidbackness that you seemed to have earlier vanished and your body shook with the thoughts.

Mirage noticed his eyes crinkled together in concern and he held you closer, tighter as he soothed you.

"Shhh, everything's to be okay." He mumbled.

"Is it really?" You muttered, as a tear fell down your face and then more and Mirage looked sad.

He turned you around and wiped your tears.

"Hey, hey don't cry just breathe." He instructed and you both took deep breaths in and out together.

"Everything's going to be okay." He said to you, holding your face in his hands in pure worry and affection.

You nodded your head but no words came out of your mouth.

He hugged you tightly and you hugged back.

You both sat in that comforting embrace until you heard Noah and Optimus come back.

You both broke apart aside from Mirages hand resting on your waist.

"Aight everybody squad up, bring it in." Noah spoke first.

"There's got to be a way to stop this dude." He finished bringing his backpack higher up on his shoulder.

Primal jumped down from the rocks he was holding onto.
"It's too late." He spoke as a hologram appeared in front of all of you.

"The trans warp has already been activated, it has more energy than a SuperNova, any interruption will ignite it like a bomb." He explained. "The only way to stop this process is an access code installed long ago as a safeguard." He finished.

Mirage scooped you up and carefully walked toward the rest of the group.

"Okay what's the code then?" Mirage asked eagerly.

"The code was split along with the key." Primal explained. "Sadly the second half of that code died with Airazor."

"Wait, wait, wait, I got it." Elena suddenly spoke up. "The one hiding her half of the key, that had markings in it." She explained as she excitedly flipped through her journal.

"It looks the one in that cave we found that hid yours, together they must complete the access code." She spoke holding it up for everyone to see.

Primal hummed approvingly.

"So we have a chance now right?" Your brother questioned.

"Although a slim chance." Primal answered.

"That is all we need." Optimus said suddenly speaking up. "If you will show us the way Primal." He said more softly.

Primal and Optimus locked eyes with each other before Primal looked down at the ground.

"Alright." He agreed. "We need to move quickly, we have a small window before the portal opens up large enough for Unicron to enter." He said.

"The bridge is guarded by a series of tunnels, they're too small for Maximals but.." Primal explained before being cut off by Cheetor.

"But not for humans." He finished.

"If Noah, Elena, and Y/N reach the central antenna, they could use the code to shut it down, remove the trans warp key, and close the portal before Unicron enters our atmosphere." Primal finished.

"But Scourge will be watching our every move." Arcee spoke up. "He'll do anything to stop us from getting the key." She finished with a hand on her hip.

"Then we bring the fight to him." Optimus spoke up again. "Autobots and Maximals, we'll charge the bridge together and lure Scourge onto the battlefield."

"While me, Elena, and Y/N sneak in through the back way." Noah finished.

You guys all looked at each other before making eye contact with the rest of the group.

"Sounds like we're all going to die." Wheeljack suddenly spoke up causing a quiet snicker to fall out of your lips.

He wasn't wrong.

"If we are to die." Optimus spoke up again. "Then we will die fighting, all as one." He finished.

"Do you think we can pull this off." You whispered to Noah and Elena.

"Sis, I'm worried too but we got this you just gotta have faith." He spoke putting his hand on your shoulder comfortingly which you smiled softly at before a look of new determination crosses your face.

"You're right." You spoke as you guys all walked up to the battle, everyone getting ready to do their mission and suddenly you heard Optimus and Primal's voice.

"Maximals!" Primal called. "Autobots!" Optimus called. "Roll out." They both said in Unison.

You smiled at the determination of all of you guys.

You guys all walked together with Mirage having your backs.

"At least the foot soldiers took the bait." Noah said and you hummed in agreement.

"Yeah but Scourge didn't, he's guarding the key." Elena pointed out as you all observed him.

As you guys made it to the vent, Mirage effortlessly pried it open for you guys.

"Alright this should lead to the bottom of the trans warp  control pound, get the key, get the hell out of there." Mirage explained doing a small once over of the plan.

Both you and Noah looked at each other before looking at Mirage.

Your mouth opened but Noah beat you to it.

"Wait, what are you gonna do?" Noah spoke.

"I'm gonna go distract Scourge." Mirage spoke, mischief and determination lacing his voice.

"You can't take on Scourge alone." You both spoke worriedly.

"Relax, I'm Mirage remember." He said winking and doing hand gestures at you three.

Just as he was about to turn around Noah called out to him.

"Hey." He said quietly and fist bumped Mirage.

You stared at Mirage, tears welling up in your eyes and you felt that familiar lump claw itself back into your throat.

Mirage and you locked eyes and he bent down and your lips immediately met each others.

This was passionate but it was also saying the words you couldn't express with the right amount like how much you two loved each other and that you were worried.

When he pulled back, that's when hot tears seeped down your face and he brushed your tears away and you embraced him for a little while longer.

"I love you." You mumbled into him.

"And I love you." He said smiling softly before he got up  and walked away doing what he said he would.

Your fist balled up at your side.

"Please be okay." You thought to yourself but in reality you had a feeling something was going to go terribly wrong.

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