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"That's some Indiana jones type shit." You heard your brother speak up as you turned your head towards him.

You all were breathing heavily as you looked down at the pit.

"You sure about this?" Elena asked nervously.

"Nah." Noah said climbing down anyways onto the so called stairs, holding onto onto the wall as he did so as you and Elena followed closely behind him.

You guys all eventually made it down, breathing heavily and you were shaking nervously.

"That was scary." You muttered as they both agreed.

You all stood there for a moment observing the area as all 3 of y'all looked around in disbelief and amazement.


"You know, we must be the first people to walk here in half a millennium." Elena said as you guys climbed and stepped carefully over debris and random rocks.

You jumped as you soon heard Mirages voice from the glove he gave Noah.

"Yo, Sonic. You dead yet?" Mirage asked.

"No." Noah responded.

"Well that was rude." You deadpanned.

"Sorry lil lady." Mirage apologized as you only scoffed.

"Don't be like that." Mirage said.

"Don't know what your talking about." You said pettily before you and Noah looked at each other in realization of what Mirage had just called Noah.

"Wait, did you just call me Sonic." Noah spoke up cutting the conversation between you and Mirage.

"I think that's a temple." You heard Elena speak from her spot in front of you both.

You guys looked up curiously and soon laid eyes on what she was talking about, amazed

You all walked through slowly and cautiously as Noah held the flashlight that came from the glove so you guys could see.

"What are we looking for?" Noah asked.

"You see the symbols on that temple?" Elena asked as you and Noah both nodded.

"They match the ones in the courtyard." She explained. "I think it's up there."

You all walked up the stairs into a tunnel and walked into it and soon stood in front of what looked like a coffin.

"I think we found what we came here for." Noah said shining his flashlight over the box looking coffin with the symbol that Airazor had, carved onto the top of the box.

"I always wondered what it would be like to be there when artifacts were actually found." Elena admitted as she walked closer to the box, looking down at it with you and Noah close behind her as you guys all surrounded the box.

"Alright now come on push." Noah said as you stood at the back and they stood at the sides as you all used your strength to try and push the lid off.

It moved slightly but it was heavier than you guys expected and it only moved slightly with every push.

Elena looked up at Noah frustratedly.

"Are you even pushing." She spoke angrily as you laughed slightly losing your grip onto the end of the coffin you were holding.

"Yeah I'm pushing." Noah grunted back in reply which made you buss out laughing some more and soon after he said that, the lid fell to the floor with a loud bang.

As it fell, dust surrounding you guys and you heard Elena cough as you cleared your throat and you all looked down into the box to see nothing.

You groaned as you looked into the box nervously.

"Wait; what?" Noah muttered in pure disbelief.

"Just-Just let me think." Elena said holding onto the end of the box as she bounced on her leg and you bit your nail nervously.

"Oh no, no where is it?" Noah said frantically as he looked down into the box where the key was supposed to be worriedly.

"Sometimes there like a- like a false bottom or something." Elena said leaning in and swiping her hand over the dusty bottom of the box and you guys all followed suit wiping and pushing down on the box and soon found a hidden symbol.

You and Elena looked up at each other in excitedly.

"I think I found something. You see these symbols?" She said grabbing Noah's arm quickly and shining the flashlight over the symbol.

You and Elena high fives each other as you both looked down happily.

"I've seen markings like this." She said. "The Airazor statue at my museum."

"They're new, they're not on the Transwarp key." She explained as she frantically fished through her bag and grabbed something out of it.

"There's two of them." Noah muttered as you guys blew on the area but soon heard someone or something else and you guys all looked up immediately trying to scope out where the noise came from to no avail.

Noah shined his flashlight frantically that way as your guys' breath quickened as you all were both scared and extremely nervous.

You felt a pit in your stomach, as if something bad was going to happens and you knew they had to feel it too with the way they were looking, it was like a sense of dread.

Noah whispered Mirages name into the glove as you all kept looking over except Elena who was now writing down the symbols as quickly as she could onto her hand.

"Let's keep moving." Noah said.

"Just give me a second." Elena responded back almost immediately as she continued to write the symbols onto her hand with the black sharpie she had.

Noah slowly turned the flashlight toward Elena and yours' way and saw the dog like creature that was chasing you guys earlier over yours and Elena's heads.

"Run!" Noah yelled as both you and Elena screamed and moved out the way as it tried clawing at you guys.

You all ran out as quickly as you could as the dog like creature jumped at you guys and you guys all jumped down off of the temple part instead of using the stairs.

You all quickly picked yourselves up and ran as one of the creatures so-called hands turned into a weapon.

"Go, go, go, go, go!" Noah spoke frantically.

"Mirage, we got trouble one of the things is down here! Where are you guys?!" Noah spoke, his voice cracking as it did as you guys all ran for your lives through the underground cave area.

"Hang tight! I'm on the way!" You heard Mirage's car start up and drive quickly as he immediately responded to Noah's call for help.

You guys all ran through the temple frantically almost running into walls as you did all breathing heavily as Elena fell and you fell with her up the stairs into the wall.

"Fuck." You whimpered.

You knew you probably had a cut on your leg because of the stinging sensation you felt on it.

You and Elena were corned as you both scrambled back as the creature came closer and closer to you both before rolling out of the way as it stabbed into the wall.

You tripped once again before getting up fully as Noah carried Elena backwards.

You all were breathing heavily as you guys navigated your way through frantically soon being cut off by the creature jumping in front of you guys, blocking your path as it stood up and raised its weapons toward you guys.

You guys all stepped back nervously as Noah ushered you and Elena behind him holding his arms up defensively as he stared at the thing in front of you guys.

"Do something." Elena said pushing him forward.

"What do you want me to do?" Noah asked nervously.

As it jumped towards you guys, it was soon shot by the mechanical glove looking thing on Noah's hand.

You guys all ducked and covered your heads as it went off.

You and Elena looked at him in disbelief.

"You had a gun this whole time?" Elena and you both spoke in sync.

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