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The next day, when morning hit and you woke up it was foggy.

You were cuddled up with Mirage and then out of no where, you all heard a loud siren blare and then Airazor's screech.

You, Mirage, Noah, and everyone else jolted awake immediately.

"Run Elena." You heard Optimus speak and then you saw him pointing his cannon and Airazor.

"No!" Primal yelled immediately slapping the cannon down away from her as she flew away.

You felt a pang of sadness for Primal.

"Airazor." He mumbled quietly.

"They found us, everyone defensive positions." Optimus spoke and all of the auto bots and maximals went into attack positions ready to fight.

You were just standing in the middle, you didn't know what to do until Primal's voice speaking to Noah snapped you out of it.

"Noah,  guard the key. " Primal spoke.

"Take Elena and your sister and find someplace safe to hide." He finished.

You and Elena locked eyes knowing what Noah was going to try to do and both of your faces held a sudden guilt to it.

"We must protect the humans." Primal spoke before suddenly behind knocked down by the enemy.

"Miss me." Nightbird rasped out.

You stared at her before Mirages voice snapped you out of it.

"Noah, Elena, Y/N get out of here." Mirage yelled as Noah took your hand and all of you guys booked it running as fast as your legs would allow you guys to.

In the chaos of it all, you guys had to avoid the shots behind fired at you guys and the war raging on ducking, dodging, and weaving your way through it until you guys hit the water.

Noah suddenly looked at the key and placed it down.

"We have to destroy it." Noah spoke obviously panicking as he pointed the now gun Mirage gave him at the key.

You and Elena looked at him with pure bewilderment.

You guys both ran up to him.

"Noah!" You and Elena spoke in unison hurriedly trying to talk him out of it.

"No!" Optimus suddenly spoke, a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Don't." He spoke again when he was close enough.

Noah looked at him and then back at the key activating the gun when Optimus spoke again

"I know you want to protect your people but if you destroy that key, our home will be lost forever." He said. "We do not have to choose."

Noah looked conflicted as he looked back and forth between Optimus and the key and gazed at Noah hoping he would make the right decision.

To not destroy it.

"Please, Noah Optimus spoke sadly, his voice slightly cracking and suddenly Noah deactivated the gun.

You all were relieved as Elena slowly picked up the key from the sand and you stared at Noah silently.

But of course that relief was short lived as Airazor picked up Elena from the ground and flew off with her knocking you guys over.

You and Noah watched hopelessly as Airazor carried off Elena.

"Elena!" You screamed and Optimus spoke in unison.

Suddenly you heard Primal's first hit the ground as he ran after her and you immediately whipped your head around and scrambled up to ran after him.

Lucky for you, you managed to actually hop onto Primal and you held on tightly as he went through the trees and climbed up the wall but before that you yelled a  "Cmon."  as Optimus and Noah all followed you guys as quickly as you they could.

As soon as you made it, you were relieved to see that Elena was okay but that relief was short lived when you saw Scourge and in his hand was the key.

Your face fell and so did Primal's.

Scourge let out a laugh.

"Wait, wait didn't I kill you already." He chuckled as you gritted your teeth.

Just looking at him made you angry as you hopped of Primal and as soon as you did Primal slammed his fists into the ground angrily.

"No, I'm the maximal that's going to rip out your spark." Primal threatened as Scourge just chuckled at his words.

"We'll see about that." Scourge sneered at Primal's threat.

"Kill them." Scourge ordered to Airazor who was now completely taken over by Scourge.

She lunged at Primal immediately knocking him down and they started to fight.

"Airazor no!" Elena yelled out as you put a comforting hand on her back.

She looked at you gratefully but she was still worried.

Worried about losing her new friend, a friend that believed in her.

"I can't hold him back much longer." Airazor suddenly spoke but she sounded so...broken.

She was still fighting but it was a losing game for her.

It saddened you to see that.

"Fight it Airazor." Primal said encouraged her to keep trying.

"Remember our oath, Primal." She whispered to him sadly.
"No matter the cost."

Primal looked devastated and you could tell all he wanted to was break down right then and there knowing that he was going to lose his best friend.

Airazor suddenly screeched.

"I can't hold him back!" She yelled followed by a deafening screech.

"Airazor don't!" Primal yelled lunging at her resulting in another fight between the two.

You and Elena both ran down as fast you could.

"Primal!" You both yelled as the fight raged on and then you heard Primal's deep, guttural, heart wrenching screech.

You couldn't tell what was happening or what Airazor was faintly saying to him but you knew it had to be devastating as you and Elena watched the spark leave Airazors body.

That's when the rest of the crew finally made it.

You stared in silence, not saying a word just staring and so was Elena.

It was all surreal.

"Primal." Optimus mumbled his name.

"No matter the cost." Primal said quietly, clearly upset that he just lost and had to kill his best friend and the possible love of his life.

Silence engulfed all of you and no one dared to speak or move and then you saw Noah book it toward Elena.

Mirages hand reached out to him but went back down.

You two stared at each other in Silence and silently you walked over to him just as Noah went to check on Elena.

There was a knot in your throat and as you spoke, you could feel the feeling of wanting to cry right then and there.

"You should've seen it Mirage." You spoke, your voice cracking.

"He loved her, I could tell and he just had the drain the life from her." Your voice turned into a hoarse whisper as you stare at a now dead Airazor.

Mirage said nothing.

You didn't even notice or hear him bend down until he engulfed you into a hug and you hugged back.

You refused to cry even though you mourned the loss of Airazor even though you barely knew her.

You calmed your breathing taking deep breaths in and out as Mirage held you comfortingly in his arms.

Silence engulfed you all before you finally broke it and so did Elena.

"Scourge has the key." You both said quietly and the crowd that was already silent went deafeningly silent.

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