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You heard the autobots speaking as Arcee created a hologram to what she was talking about.

You then felt Noah gently grab your arm yanking you but not making any noise as he lead you two to the edge before trying to swing his way down as quietly as possible which failed at as he fell and made a bunch of noise.

The yellow car raised his gun defensively but then lowered it as he saw Noah and you laughed from the spot you were at.

"Ooo! How bout them two." Mirage suggested as you heard Optimus say no.

"Noah can you catch me?" You whined as Noah rolled his eyes and stuck his arms out as you stepped back and then jumped as you landed in his arms and he lifted you down gently as the auto bots watched you guys closely before you heard Mirage speak up again.

"What! Cmon man, they can slip in right through one of their lil doors, slip out, leave a nice IOU and then peace out, it's perfect." Mirage suggested as you adjusted your dress again as you and Noah looking at him concerningly.

"What?" You and Noah said in Sync as Optimus then turned around to face mirage.

"No it is a bad idea." Optimus said as you and Noah shook your heads in agreement.

"I agree with big man, so it's been real yall but.." Noah said grabbing you, about to leave.

"Woah timeout!" Mirage said as he stepped over to you two.

Everyone disagreed with him as mirage retorted a quick "No no I know I know!"

"Let me just talk to my friends real quick." He said as you crossed your arms and raised your brow as Noah just looked concerned.

"Yo don't leave me with these tight asses bro, we make a great team!" Mirage said kind of whispering but not really.

"This is a waste of time!" Optimus said dismissing this whole thing.

"Look ,we're not breaking into museums for some space robots." Noah said defensively.

"What about for friendship!" Mirage suggested as you raised your eyebrows and then tilted your head to look at Noah as Noah stared at him in disbelief.

"Uh!! Or, or what about for cash?" Mirage said as you and Noah looked at each other.

This could really help your brother out.

"Help us get this key so we can get off this rock, no offense bout the Neighbourhood nd all, then I let you two sell me! Lambo, Ferrari! Easy cash, look you get paid and then I'll split." Mirage explained.

"So all we gotta do is walk in nd out?" Noah asked.

"All you gotta do, we'll take care of the rest cross my spark and hope to die, wow that was corny when I said it out loud." Mirage said as you snickered and he looked towards you, his eyes visibly lighting up.

"Nd what about the big man, optimal or whateva." Noah said dismissively toward the leader as you hit his arm this time.

"You..let me worry about him, cool?" Mirage asked.

"Is that cool with you lil lady?" Mirage asked as you smirked and Noah stared at him in disbelief.

You both stared in silence as you kept the smirk on your face and Noah still stared in shock as you nodded slightly.

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