Chapter 7: Double trouble.

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I yelped, startling awake at the sudden blaring of my alarm. I blink the sleep away and glance around. Had I finally waken up back home? I looked down at my hands- nope, still Lego. I took a deep breath then exhaled, this is my new life. I'm not going to see my family again, not going to see my friends.

No, no, no. I'm not about to start having a mental breakdown right as I wake up, to hell with that. I sigh and sat up, turning off my alarm. Today should be the start of the duplication episode, right? Oh well, doesn't matter too much. I stood up and stretched, my joints cracking. I cringed at the noise of my joints cracking, before looking over to my closet. I should probably get dressed.

|An undisclosed amount of time later.|

There, all dressed- Jeez, I'm hungry. I could probably just get food from Pigsy's if I arrived early enough, right? Worth a shot. I walked out the door of my apartment, closing it behind me. Luckily, Pigsy's is in walking distance- I shoved my hands in my pockets and began walking.

I hummed a random tune to myself as I walked, hopefully I'd arrive early enough. *Meow.* Wh- Oh my gosh where's the kitty!? Deep breaths- can't scare the catto away. I glanced into an alleyway, seeing two eyes peer back at me. There's the cat! I smiled and walked over to the alleyway, crouching down just outside of it. "Hey kitty-kitty, c'mere buddy." I cooed, smiling towards the cat.

*Mrreow.* The cat padded out of the shadows. The feline had pitch black fur, one yellow eye and the other a milky white, a scarf was wrapped around it's neck, and it had a large scar over the milky colored eye- must have been half blind. The cat peered at me, tilting it's head in a curious manner.

Hol up, why does this cat look familiar- Wait a damn minute.. MACAQUE!? Jeez, I really am in a fanfiction at this point aren't I? I'll just keep playing dumb, I can't risk giving myself away just yet. "Awh, what happened to your eye buddy?" I cooed sympathetically. The cat, Macaque, meowed and padded a step closer. I guess he was spying on me? Possibly trying to follow me in order to locate MK? Oh well, doesn't matter right now.

I held out my hand towards him, hoping he'd accept it. And to my luck, he let out a short meow and sniffed my hand before nuzzling his head against my palm. "Awh!" I cooed, beginning to pet him as if he was an actual cat. Oh my gosh he's so fluffy!! "I'mma call you Shadow, you look sneaky like that." I declared confidently. He sent me an annoyed glare, but didn't react otherwise.

"You're so softttt-" I drawled on, mesmerized by his soft pelt. I suddenly felt sharp fangs sink into my hand, causing me to yelp and pull my hand back. The little bastard! "Hey, ow! Not nice!-" I looked at my hand, seemed he hadn't broken skin. Phew.

"You wanna come with me buddy?" I suddenly asked, tilting my head. I guess I caught him off guard because he flinched. He seemed to be weighing his options, before ultimately giving in and padding closer. "I'll take that as a yes!" I cheered, scooping him into my arms suddenly- at which he hissed and scrambled out of my grasp and onto my shoulder. I giggled to myself and stood up.

Where was I going again? OH RIGHT PIGSY'S- "Shit, I'm gonna be late!" I yelped, breaking into a slow sprint as to not startle Macaque(Cat Macaque? Macat). Soon, I made it too Pigsy's, quickly darting through the door. "Sorry, I meant to make it here earlier but I got distracted!" I quickly apologized, only to be met with Pigsy's voice. "Yeah well, you're not /that/ late. Still, you're late enough that MK already finished the deliveries." I blinked. "Wh- How did he do them so quickly!?" I questioned in surprise, at which Pigsy shrugged. "He'll be back from the his latest order soon, for now just take a seat. Ya want some noodles kid?" Pigsy spoke, turning to head into the kitchen. "Oh, yes please!" I happily accepted. Pigsy nodded and walked off to the kitchen as I took a seat on a stool.

Macaque hopped off my shoulder and onto the counter, sitting down and glancing around the place. It seemed this caught Mr. Tang's attention because he suddenly spoke. "Where'd you find a cat?" Mr. Tang questioned with furrowed brows. "Oh- I found 'em in an alleyway on the way here. I named him Shadow." I answered, petting Macaque as I spoke.

"Interesting, he's quite an odd looking cat. What with the scar over his eye. Did you find him like this?" Mr. Tang questioned with the tilt of his head. "Uh yeah, not sure what happened to it honestly." I answered, though it was a lie. If this really was Macaque, which it totally was, than he got the scar from Wukong. But they don't need to know that I know that.

Mr. Tang nodded in acknowledgement. I turned my attention to Macaque, he seemed to be ignoring the fact I was petting him in favor of glancing around. Suddenly, MK walked in and proceeded to basically slam his head against the counter in exhaustion. "Woah MK- You alright?" I questioned, furrowing my brows in worry. This also seemed to catch Macaque's attention, as his gaze was now fixated on MK. "Wow MK, you look like hot garbage." Mr. Tang stated matter-of-factly. I could tell Macaque was holding back a snicker. "Mr. Tang!" I spoke with a glare and scolding tone. "What? It's true." Mr. Tang spoke before continuing. "Tired?" He questioned MK. "What, me?" MK lifted his head and spoke finally. "No I'm fine, I just need to close my eyes for a couple of seconds." MK's words were slurred as he spoke. MK yawned and stretched slightly, looking totally beat. He then proceed to pass out head first into a bowl of noodles. "MK-" I sighed, worried for the boy.

Macaque seemed to find this all very funny, as I could swear I heard a snicker come from him. Mr. Tang used a pair of chopsticks to lift MK's head out of the bowl of noodles before speaking. "You're pushing yourself too hard MK. Working all day, partying all night, painting boats-" Mr. Tang said the last part in a slightly baffled tone. "It's not good for a growing boy, you need to have time to relax." Mr. Tang continued before sipping on his noodles.

Mk sighed before responding. "I just- I don't want to let my friends down, y'know? It's like- I wanna help out in the store, do arts and crafts with Sandy, and party with Mei!" MK said Mei's name in a really weird way, I assume he's just really lacking sleep. "But it's too hard, I'm just one guy!" MK spoke with a sigh.

I glanced at Macaque who seemed very entertained still. "Stop being such a big 'ol bully." I whispered quietly to him, scratching underneath his chin- cats like that right? Oh well, he seemed to like it at least. I mean, he did start lightly purring. "Too bad you can't make duplicates of yourself like Monkey King." Mr. Tang spoke with a shrug, though this sentence caught MK's attention. "Huh?" MK questioned with the tilt of his head. Mr.Tang grabbed MK's journal and flipped towards a certain page displaying two drawings, one of a strand of ginger hair, the other of four Monkey Kings.

"You know, one of Monkey King's 72 transformations? Pluck out some hair." Mr. Tang began,using his chopsticks to pluck a stand of MK's hair- which caused MK to yelp. "Blow on it." Mr. Tang continued as he showed the stand of hair towards MK, who looked very confused. "Oookay?-" MK spoke hesitantly before blowing on the stand of his hair, causing it to land on the floor behind us. "And some monkeys pop out." Mr. Tang finished with a shrug.

I continued to stare at the strand of hair, waiting for it to happen like in the episode. And just as I thought, the strand of hair began glowing golden. It did a fancy little transformation thing like when Monkey King changed his forms, before ultimately becoming an exact clone of MK. Mr. Tang yelped before laughing nervously. "Uh- Yup! A perfect clone of you pops out, exactly what I said would happen!-" Mr. Tang sweatdropped.

The clone looked around confused as MK looked on in awe and shock. Both MK and the clone instantly darted towards each other, speaking in sync. "Woah, holy moly! I look exactly like him/He looks exactly like me!" MK excitedly shook the clone's shoulders. "Awhhhh! This solves everything! Now I can be at all the places, at all the times!" MK cheered, dragging the clone out the door. "Thanks Mr. Tang, couldn't have done it without ya!" Both MK and the clone cheered before vanishing out the door.

"Hmmm.. If I wasn't so relaxed and cool, I'd probably be /really/ worried about the consequences of this." Mr. Tang said with a deadpan expression. "This is gonna end really, /really/ badly-" I murmured under my breath, at which Macaque nodded in agreement.


Sorry for the late and short chapter! Anyways, the photo above is a tracing from a random cat photo I found on google to give everyone an idea of what cat Macaque looks like! Enjoy, dear readers! ^^

Chaos, Confusion, and Coffee. |LMK X READER|On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara