Chapter 5: Go go Power Rangers! Wait wrong show-

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"Uhhh- Are you sure you're the Monkey King?-" MK questioned in a confused tone whilst basically tugging at the ginger furred simian before him. "I think he's on drugs." I stated with a amused smirk- this was even funnier in person. "You've been cooped up in here way too long-" MK spoke towards Monkey King as he continued to completely mess up Monkey King's hair and clothing by tugging on him. "I Think your brain went mushed up-" MK sweatdropped in confusion- before the simian's tail wrapped around him and picked him up, placing him down on the ground a bit away. "Listen kid. You fought demons, and you didn't die. And you made it here!" Monkey King spoke whilst rummaging through a pile of random(probably stolen) things, before eventually grabbing a bag of peach flavored chips. "Not just anyone can lift my staff, but you did." He added.

"You stole it, that doesn't make it your staff, but ight-" I murmured whilst watching the scene before me play out. "But what about DBK?" MK questioned the self proclaimed 'Great Sage' with a worried tone. The golden somersault cloud appeared and Wukong hopped on, laying back on it with a laugh. "What about DBK?" The simian laughed, clearly not all that bothered by MK's worry.

"You can handle it! Consider it a trial." Monkey King added with a lazy smirk. "But I-" MK stuttered- pausing and cutting himself off with a confused frown. MK sighed and hung his head low. Monkey King was about to munch down on a peach chip, but sighed at MK's reaction. He got up off his somersault cloud and walked over to MK. "Look, if you can lift the staff, you can use it." Monkey King began, putting a hand on MK's shoulder reassuringly. "Just believe in yourself." Monkey King reassured with a slight smile. Though, I was quick to break the heartfelt moment with my snarky commentary. "What is this, some Disney channel original?" I murmured under my breath as I watched the scene play out- as much as I wanted to take our time and be calm about this, I was freaking out internally about the upcoming fight I knew would happen.

"Even a smidge, makes all the difference." Monkey King reassured- either he didn't hear my comment or didn't bother responding. Both were possible, honestly. MK smiled slightly at Monkey King's reassurance. "The staff was taken from you.." Monkey King began as he struck a pose. "Take it back!" He continued with a confident smirk. MK nodded and smirked, turning around and nodding once more. "Alright!" MK spoke, grinning.

MK grabbed my wrist, dragging me along as he jumped through the waterfall- somehow not drenching us both. He landed heroically, striking a pose before dragging me along towards the shore. He paused staring at the shoreline before I broke the silence. "How are we supposed to get back?-" I questioned as I turned my gaze to him and rose a brow. "I don't kno-" He was cut off by the sound of metal- as we both turn around we see some of the monkeys from before playing on.. the crate! The one that fell out of Sandy's boat! "Wow, cool." I spoke plainly, amused.

Suddenly- the crate fell open, scaring the monkeys away. MK gasped as he looked at what had been inside of the crate. A jet! Score! I walked over to it and glanced it over- seemed safe enough. MK Laughed joyously and hopped into the drivers seat, I took that as my cue and hopped in besides him. "Oh yeah!!" He cheered- before glancing at the controls and sweat dropping. "Can't be too hard to fly-" He glanced at a sticker reading '8+' "-It's for ages 8 and up!" He concluded and pressed a button. "Sweet baby Jesus this is how I die-" I murmured under my breath and buckled in. The jet blinked to life and took off over the ocean and volcanic rings.

"Woo-hoo!" MK cheered as I held on for dear life- he was /not/ a good driver.

|An undisclosed amount of time later.|

Mei's draconic energy was formed into a dragon- about to strike down Redson(or at least try to), but that's all I was able to see before we straight up crash landed the jet- I was surprised I wasn't straight up dead, honestly. Oh, also, if I remember correctly from the pilot- we landed on top of Redboy- but oh well.

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