Chapter 12: GAS, GAS, GAS-

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I was currently on break at Pigsy's Noodles, Mei and MK by my side as we looked up at the TV on the wall. It displayed a montage of racecars driving around the city. "Once a year, this city becomes more than a city. Once a year, these streets... become more than streets. This year... the winner will become... immortal!" The commentator on the TV rang out. The screen cuts, zooming out to show a giant trophy shaped like a Peach of Immortality. MK and Mei gasped at the sight, causing me to glance over at them.

"A Peach of Immortality!" MK spoke in awe. "Uh, Peach of what now?" Pigsy butt into the conversation, raising a brow. I flinched back as MK and Mei began rambling an unintelligible explanation, causing me to sigh. Tang cleared his throat with a knowing smirk, silencing MK and Mei. "If you'll allow me." He began, pushing up his glasses and grabbing his book. "Legend says there is a sacred field of trees which grows in the Heavenly Realm, protected by the gods themselves. Every few thousand years, these trees bring forth the Peaches of Immortality. Against the wishes of the Heavenly Host, the Monkey King took them all, making himself immortal!" Tang explained proudly.

"Hold up, I thought Monkey King was already immortal?" Pigsy spoke, crossing his arms over his chest. "Piggy, you're missing the point! Whoever wins this race will live forever!" Mei retorted, glancing over at Pigsy. Ah, what a /peachy/ way to start the day. Pft- that was terrible.

|An undisclosed amount of time later.|

I leaned against the wall of the shop, watching as Mei wiped down her motorcycle. "This is huge! Those other racers won't stand a chance!" MK cheered excitedly. "Right? I know the track like the back of my hand! The back alleys, the front alleys, the sideway alleys. All the alleys! I was made for this!" Mei replied, grinning. "Yep! I'm totally gonna win this thing." MK chimed in response, combing back his hair with a hand. "Wait, what?" Mei blinked, confused.

"MK, what're you on about?" I questioned with a raised brow. "You're not racing. I'm racing. You've been watching me train for months! This should not be a surprise." Mei stated towards MK, furrowing her brows. She seemed irritated. "Oh, yeah, uh, I just thought you were doing that stuff for me." MK grinned sheepishly, causing Mei to practically growl at him. "But upon reflection, that doesn't make much sense-" MK admitted, stumbling over.

"How would you even— Ugh! There is no way you'd beat me." Mei proclaimed, turning away from MK. "Uh, I so too could beat you. I'm a delivery boy, pretty sure I know how to drive real good." MK hopped back onto his feet, smirking as he put his hands in his pockets. Mei scoffed irritably in response.

MK and Mei spotted Tang leaving Pigsy's Noodles and so they made their way over. "Mr. Tang, who's the better driver? Mei or me?" MK questioned. He suddenly gasped dramatically upon seeing that Tang was holding a flag with Mei's face on it. "This is very uncomfortable." Tang stated, glancing at the two before darting off. "Gah, whatever! I'm absolutely gonna win!" MK huffed. "How? You know you need a vehicle to race, right?" Mei retorted sarcastically. "Oh, I've got a vehicle." MK answered confidently.

"Guys- can we just not fight? Please-" I sweatdropped, walking over. "[Name], tell MK he's not gonna be able to beat me!" Mei asked(more like demanded). "Nuh-uh! They know I'll win!" MK protested. "I think you're both being childish." I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest. "Can you not /share/ the prize?" I suggested. "NO!" Mei and MK both yelled in sync, causing me to sigh.

|Another undisclosed amount of time later.|

The race was starting soon, but I was still thinking out a game plan. No way I'd let MK and Mei have all the fun here, but at the same time, I didn't want to take sides and ride with one or the other.. and I didn't have a vehicle of my own..- Great, what am I gonna do? My thoughts were cut off as I spotted Redson getting his racecar(I think it's a racecar-) ready. Bingo.

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