Chapter 10: Caught in a web of lies.

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I walked along with Tang and Pigsy, Shadow sitting on my shoulder as he watched everyone and everything like a hawk. Currently, we were at the market, walking past stalls whilst Pigsy searched for ingredients to buy. Whilst Tang and Pigsy searched I glanced over at a stall selling some weird cotton candy floss looking stuff. The sign above the stall read '龍鬚酥', humming to myself I walked over, ready to start a short conversation with the stall's owner and buy some- it looked really good after all.

"Hello, what exactly is this?" I questioned the stall's owner, a tallish male with messy pale orange hair. His eyes lit up and he gave a bright smile. "Ah, it's called Longxusu, or Dragon's Beard Candy." He explained happily. I gave a satisfied hum and tilted my head. "How much?" I questioned curiously. "579¥." He spoke cheerfully. I hummed once more in response and dug through my pockets, grabbing about 600¥ and placing it on the counter. "I'll take some please." I gave a smile.

"Of course, have a nice day!" He spoke kindly after handing me a bag of Longxusu. I gave a hum and smile. "You as well." I spoke before turning on my heel to rejoin Tang and Pigsy, who were at a vegetable stall at the moment. I opened the bag and popped a bit of the candy into my mouth as I walked back over. Oh wow that's delicious-

I grabbed a small bit from the bag and offered it to Shadow, who sniffed at the candy before gently taking it from me and eating it with a small purr. I chuckled and closed the bag, pocketing it for now. As I finally made my way over to Pigsy and Tang I noticed Pigsy holding up a carrot as he spoke. "Now /this/ is a beautiful carrot! Couple more finds like this baby and we're golden." Pigsy spoke proudly. "Looks the same as the last 20 thousand carrots we've looked at." Tang deadpanned as he grabbed the carrot to examine.

"Yeah, it does kinda just look like a carrot." I chimed in as I walked over. "Give me that!" Pigsy snapped and yanked the carrot back from Tang. "I wouldn't expect /you two/ to appreciate a fine carrot like this. Y'all ain't no culinary geniuses like /me./" Pigsy spoke the last part proudly as he pointed to himself with the carrot.

I deadpanned and I'm pretty sure Shadow did too. Suddenly I noticed Shadow's ears perked up and his gaze narrow at a run down stall. He pinned his ears and gave a low hiss as a feminine chuckle came from the stall. "My, my, my, you three are making quite a scene!" Spoke the woman who walked from the shadows of the stall, she had smooth black hair and lilac skin with stunning green eyes. Her lips and eyeshadow were dark purple and overall she was very pretty, even though she certainly wasn't human.

Shadow continued to hiss lowly at the woman and I furrowed my brows, she looked /really/ familiar.. Sadly my thoughts were cut short by her voice. "Looking to buy some ingredients? Something /tasty/? You've come to the right place.." Her voice trailed off as she blew a kiss at Tang- which he utterly and completely ignored.

"Come on Pigsy, [Name], let's just keep going-" Tang spoke unamused. As he went to leave, he noticed that Pigsy wasn't where he was seconds prior- I blinked before deadpanning and pointing at the fact Pigsy was now standing in front of the woman's run down stall. "Uh-ah-huh- You are selling beautiful veggie-ta-bles today?" Pigsy spoke, his words slurred as if drunken.

Tang and I both glanced down at the stall's stock of vegetables, which all looked shriveled up and rotten. I recoiled back at the sight as Shadow continued hissing. Ew- "...Are you blind..?" Tang questioned Pigsy in a quiet yet confused tone. "That's right Sugar, this is the finest store in the /whole/ market. Why don't you come around back at look at my /exclusive wears?/" The woman enticed, a smirk gracing her features as she backed into the shadows. Pigsy gave a short 'Ooo' and quickly went to scale over the table part of the stall to follow after her, but was stopped by Tang grabbing his arm.

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