Chapter 2: Not a dream- NOT A DREAM-

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Finally, we arrived at the final destination. Well- kind of. It wasn't meant to be the last place but I recognized the area and remembered this to be the area with Redson. So yeah, last place. Speaking of Redson, I'm totally gonna flirt with him. No, wait- that's a bad idea, he'd kill me. Shaking my head to clear my thoughts I refocused on the situation and glanced around.

It's a construction site area I think. MK got out of the truck, noodles In hand, and headed towards a very unsafe looking elevator as I followed after. I sighed, ignoring the many safety hazards around us. Lego logic I guess? Or maybe just bad design. Probably a bit of both honestly. MK hums to the music in his headphones, the elevator lowering us down. Once the elevator doors open once again, MK exited with me close behind.

As I walked I glanced up, noticing a ginger colored bird sitting on one of the pipes. The bird had one really long tail feather that nearly looked like a monkey tail. Oh, it must be Wukong then. His feathers actually look really soft- I'm totally gonna blackmail him into letting me pet him later.

Soon enough I glanced forward again, realizing MK had gotten ahead of me. Sighing to myself, I quickly darted to catch up- but not before sending Wukong a wave. As I finally caught up with MK, A voice cut through the silence, causing MK to pause. "It feels like we've waited an eternity for this moment, is everything in order?" A female voice rang out just before us. Who is that again? I forget.

"Just making the final adjustments mother." Answered a familiar male voice. Oh, it's PIF and Redboy. MK gasps and grabs my hand, dragging us both behind some rubble to hide. "Ack- Jeez." I murmured in slight annoyance, peeking over the rubble and rubbing my hand. MK peeks his head over the rubble as well and spots Monkey King's staff as Princess Iron Fan continued talking. "Finally, after all this time we have the means to lift Monkey King's legendary staff." MK muttered a quiet 'Wow..' in awe. "Monkey King's staff.." He murmured with stars in his eye, before the two of us(after some brief convincing from MK) climbed the pipes to get a better view.

"My love will finally be returned once we remove the staff." Princess Iron Fan stated proudly before letting out a small 'huh?' As her gaze drifts to a Bull Clone trying to uproot the staff from the small hill. MK and me managed onto some pipes, hanging on by our hands. The 'bird' from before was right next to MK's head, startled by his sudden presence. I glanced at the sight before looking back over at the scene before us.

The Bull Clone gripped the staff and pulled– anti climatically getting tossed aside with his arms falling off, causing me to stifle a laugh. Redson chuckled darkly before speaking towards the Bull Clone. "You fool, you think we didn't try that already? It's going to take more than a few robots to lift the Monkey King's staff. Only those deemed worthy can wield it!" Redson's arm was briefly engulfed with flames before a gauntlet appeared on his arm. "But I, Redson, have designed this gauntlet to bend it to my will!"

MK made a disoriented sound of gibberish in surprise at the sight and nearly fell- having to catch the noodle bag in his teeth. "Dumbass-" I murmured under my breath, rolling my eyes. I could've sworn the 'bird' chirped at me in a scolding tone for my comment- not too far fetched considering it's Wukong.

Redson approached Monkey King's staff, chuckling villainously before grasping onto it with the gauntlet. It sparked wildly, a surge of energy destroying part of the ground nearby- turning it to rubble. Redson's hair burst into flames and he tugged at the staff, which in a sharp motion was tugged out from the small hill. Redson lifted the staff up in celebration as he spoke. "Yes! I did it!" The Bull Clones clapped, apart from the armless one, who stood there sadly.

Yet nothing happened, DBK didn't return. Everything was just as before. "What?! Why isn't anything happening?!" Redson's hair flickered back to normal as he shook the staff around. Hopping off the hill, he questioned his mother. "Mother, are you sure this is the right mountain?" He spoke with a scowl. Damn Redboy, respect your elders. "No, maybe it was that other mountain with a magical staff sealing away my husband." PIF sassed her son with a glare. Oooo~ Redson's in trouble~ Pft- I sound like a kid.

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