Chapter 30

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The Emperor and his daughters finally made it back to the Dragon Empire.

Once they were escorted inside, the Empress hugged her husband and kissed her daughter's foreheads.
"I'm so glad you all are safe. So how did it go?"

The Emperor smiled at her.
"Everything is going according to plan. Now we need to get more places to take over and more to wipe out completely. Soon, the Azena and his reign will be no more."

The Empress hugged him once more.
"I'm so proud of you, my dear."

Naviia and Niyomi smiled.

Soon it was a feast to celebrate how far they've come. Niyomi was dancing with some of the village girls at the bottom, while Naviia stayed in her room throwing knives in the wall.

The door opened and it was her mother. She sat down next to her.

"My Naviia. My beautiful, sweet girl. Why aren't you celebrating?"

Naviia rolled her eyes.
"Why should I rest to celebrate something that isn't finished? The Azena is still out there. And his bratty friends."

"You're worried about Beah aren't you."

Naviia looked at her mother and sat up.
"I could care less about Beah! She's a traitor and my stupid brother! He isn't even my brother!" She yelled throwing the knife in the wall.

Her mother took her hands.
"Listen to me. I know it's hard. I know you wish Beah was here. And I know you don't get along with Niyomi, but please try and adapt. A real Empress doesn't get angry, because of a situation she can't control."

"Why would I want to be Empress? Your backstabbing accident wants to be Empress. And you know she can. She's older than me."

The Empress pointed her finger at her.
"Don't you talk about Niyomi that way! She is your sister!"

Naviia rolled her eyes with a smirk.
"You only stick up for her and give her credit because she was born from love, and I was born from force. I know how it goes mother, so don't play dumb with me. She is going to be Empress. But I'll do anything to be Empress. And that is why I am not celebrating. A true Empress knows when it's time to celebrate. It is when all the Guardians and the Azena are dead."

The Empress nodded and took Naviia's head to lay it on her shoulder.
"Don't let whatever Niyomi makes you feel get to your heart. I know how hard you've trained, ever since you were little. Niyomi hasn't. All I can tell you is to fight, my love."

Naviia lifted her head and nodded.

When her mother left she went out on the balcony to watch everyone dance and enjoy their night. Then, Niyomi stood beside her door.
"Nice to know you're jealous of me, sister."

Naviia looked at her and then looked back out.
"Tch. More like you jealous of me? If not, why bring it up?"

Niyomi smirked.
"You're right. May the best win."

Niyomi walked away and Naviia grinned. She grinned, because she knew that there was no way Niyomi could beat her.

That night, it was time for everyone to go, so the island lent them a bigger and better boat to fit them all in.

Everyone started to get on and while the islanders were waving at them. Beah looked back and saw Soa. She ran towards him.
"Don't forget me, Soa. I'll be back to see you, soon. I'm going to miss you."

Soa hugged her back and smiled.
"Through water, land is connected."
He took a flower that he had in his hand and put it in her hair.
"Take good care of my flower for me, ok?"

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