Chapter 24

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They all looked towards the ship and in a line, they all held their fists up, Delaaran in the middle.

The ship put a walkway down and walking down it was Naviia and her father. And beside them was Niyomi.

Naviia laughed.
"I see you've found each other. Look at all of the Guardians together! How sweet. All of my school friends are here!"

Kanna looked angry and so did Rylo.

"And my brother-"

Kubo cut her off.
"You're not my family! I know who my family is!"

Niyomi laughed.
"The runaway prince thought he found his destiny! You're not even a Guardian!"

Kubo looked at her with anger.
"Niyomi, what are you doing here?! You're not even royal blood! Your mother is Empress, but your father isn't the Emperor!"

She yelled.
"Says the orphan!"

Before anyone else cold speak, a huge explosion of fire appeared in the middle of them. Standing there with eyes glowing red was Guardian Hanzō.

The Emperor's face looked as if he had seen a ghost. In his mind, he did.
"Brother?! How?!"

"Silence, Takashi! You do not belong here! Take your Dragon Warriors and go!"

Emperor Takashi laughed.
"You came from the dead! Sadly your friends couldn't join this wonderful reunion!"

"Don't you ever speak on them! Watch your tone, boy. Remember who the eldest is."

"And yet the eldest never really have as much time as the youngest do. Their leaves become frail and old. They eventually crumble. Similar to you brother. You may have not died back then, but you will die now! And forever!"

Hanzō grinned.
"And if that is so brother, if killing your own blood gives you the satisfaction. If it gives you what you call power, then so be it. Just know that your karma will be soon. And your death shall be slow. You will feel pain. You will feel the same pain you put on every single person. The cuts, bruises, scars, hearts. For all of eternity."

The Emperor took his robe off.
"Fight! Right here and now! The ultimate Dragon Dual!"

Hanzō got in a fighting stance.
"Just know that you will always be my brother. No matter how this ends."

Emperor Takashi's face became so angry, he looked outlandish.

"Shut up! Fight me!"

Hanzō smiled.
"So be it."

Hanzō turned around towards Kubo who looked afraid.

"My son."

Kubo looked at him.
"Father, no! Don't fight him! What if he-"

"Take your friends and save the islanders. If I don't make it before the moon comes up, I ask that you remember my name and carry the spirit you have on."

Hanzō kissed his son's forehead just like when he was a baby and smiled at him with their foreheads connected.

"I will always be with you." Hanzō said.

Kubo nodded with tears in his eyes and backed up slowly.
"Come on guys. Let's go."

When the two brothers finally charged at each other, it was this biggest clash of fire on fire.

Naviia and Niyomi shifted fire in front of them before they could run in the forest.

"You didn't think We'd just allow you to escape right?" Naviia smirked.

The Azena: Rise of the Guardians - Book IWhere stories live. Discover now