Chapter 23

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The ship then got to the shore and crushed into the sand.
Zuri's heart started to pound. Delaaran wasn't here to help and she started to worry.

Kubo looked at Zuri.
"Hey, don't worry. You're very strong. You can get through this. Quickly run and tell Beah, Yuki, and Rylo that they are here."

Zuri smiled with a slight blush and nodded. She started to run.

Kubo then looked towards Eun-ji.
"You ready?"

She looked at him and back at the soldiers.
"Don't worry about me, pretty boy. You should be asking yourself that same question."

He smirked.

A soldier then ran towards them.

Kubo punched his fist, sending his flames towards them. To oppose their burning attack, Eun-ji summons gusts of wind and pushes some of the warriors back.
The dragon warriors launch their attacks, but Kubo and Eun-ji dodge and weave, their movements fluid and fast.
One soldier came towards Eun-ji and she ducked, tripping him.
Sparks and smoke fly with every clash, turning the battlefield into a burning sight.
There were too many warriors and they circled them causing the two to face each other on their backs.

"Kubo, what do we do?"
Eun-ji asked almost out of breath.

"Jump!" He yelled.

She jumped and he twirled her around. When he did, she started to blow them all back. They all shot back far.

She then fell on her knees coughing.

"That should do it."

He helped her up.
"We need to get you to safety. You're getting weak."

She slapped his hand and pushed off of him.
"No Kubo! I'm not leaving you here! No one is hurting you unless it is me."

He laughed and shook his head.
"Ok. I understand your majesty."

A soldier was behind Kubo and Eun-ji screamed.
Then there was a voice.

Kubo and Eun-ji went down and a huge rock hit the warrior and pushed him into the ship.

"Zuri!" Kubo said. "Thank you!"

She lifted them.
"I'm not always here but I'm always there when you need me."

He nodded and all three put their fists up.

Some soldiers got through and made it towards Yuki, Rylo, and Beah.

They hid in the bushes.

"So what do we do? We should get everyone to safety! On a boat!" Beah said. "These are my people. I have to protect them."

"It is our job to protect them too, Beah," Rylo said. "You're not alone. Let's just think. We have to give each other credit here. The others are out there doing the best that they can. They're fighting so we can guard them. The soldiers have no idea where we are."

Yuki looked at the huge vine bush keeping the islanders alive.
"That isn't possible. Neither of your statements are true."

Rylo and Beah looked at her weirdly.

"The islanders' celebrations are always in the heart of the island. The middle. The soldiers may be coming towards us as we speak. Actually, it's inevitable."

Beah and Rylo's eyes widened and a soldier shot an arrow towards Rylo.

Something in his arm twitched and he instantly lifted his arm and lighting shot down so quickly that the ground shifted making all three of them shoot back.

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