Chapter 25

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The next morning was stressful. The ones who truly knew Guardian Hanzō were the most hurt.

Kubo wouldn't talk or smile. Eun-ji was worried for him, and Delaaran was angry.

No one knew how to help, so everyone left them to heal.

Eun-ji walked over to Kubo who was sitting down looking into space.

"Here. Eat this."

When she sat it down, he didn't even look at it. It's like he didn't even see her.
All she could do was tear up. She just wanted him to feel better.

Later in the day, Delaaran was throwing rocks in the water.
Kanna walked over to him.

He didn't say anything he just kept throwing the rocks.

Kanna sat down.
"I'm sorry. And I hope that everything will end up ok."

"Sure, because you truly know what it is like to lose the only family you have. The last family you have. I only have Kubo. And I don't know how much he can take."

Kanna looked at him.
"Delaaran you have no idea what has happened to me in my life. But as long as I got you and Rylo-"

He cut her off and turned towards her.
"Kanna. I couldn't save my uncle! I only have one person left! Me and Rylo aren't the only people here! Open your eyes and see that we have more Guardians who are considered family too! Maybe that'll show you the difference."

"Delaaran, I say that because I've known you longer. If you don't want me around, then you can tell me." She said standing up.

"You have a family! I never had anyone! My mom is gone too!" He yelled.

"Well, so is mine!" She yelled back.

His heart pounded when he saw her eyes.
"Kanna I-"

"My mother died trying to find me! Me! And it was all my fault! My brother and father hated me so much! And I watched the house fall on top of her! And because I'm here, my father is probably dead, so the only family I have is you and Rylo!" She started wiping her tears. "And we try to love you with all our heart, but now you just can't accept us. Why? Is it because we're more mixed than them? Are we not "perfect" like everyone else here? Or is it because you're closer with your new universe friends, and we are from Earth? If you didn't want me here, then why did you make me suffer?" she turned to walk away.

"Wait, Kanna!" Delaaran yelled.

He then threw the rocks down and hugged his knees.

Rylo saw and went after Kanna.
"Kanna! What's wrong?"

She was crying alone.
"Rylo. Did you hate me?"

"Kanna, what are you talking about? Why would I hate you?"

"After mom died. It was all my fault."

Rylo's heart beat fast, and he took a deep breath.
"No. No one was angry with you, Kanna. We were all just sad. Some little children, especially considering we were so young, grieve differently. I'm so sorry I made you feel like I hated you or that it was your fault."

He sat beside her.
"Remember when mom used to take care of the sea animals? She surfed all of the time! You were so close to the stingray. She gave you a necklace of a stingray, because you loved them. Your soul has always been connected to the ocean."

He wiped her tears.
"You are perfect. You are beautiful. And you are just where you are meant to be. And I love you. Delaaran and Kubo are grieving differently. Like us. We just have to let them grieve. Ok?"

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