Chapter 4

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The group was creating a sketch for the teacher the next day. Delaaran completed his drawing first.
He approached the teacher while holding his drawing in his hand.

He held it up and exclaimed, "I've finished my sketch!" with a cheerful expression on his face.

The teacher then picks up the sketch, and examines it closely while supporting the spectacles on her face.

"Delaaran, this looks fantastic."

She grins at him and sets it down on her desk.

"I look forward to seeing more of your art in this class."

As he makes his way back to his seat, he exclaims, "Thank you very much."

He looks around. His friends haven't finished their sketches yet. He decided to go to the classroom's bookshelf, which is stocked with numerous books.
He was looking, when one book caught his attention. When he finally got hold of it, he blew the dust and filth off the cover, but there was no title. Even when he looked on the side of the book, there was nothing. Just a hard covered book. This increased his interest in the book even more.
He decided to open the book, and when he does, it reads:

While the moon shines it finally gets full
Waiting for his son to take a step into the pool
Run run and find your light
You'll only find it on this night

Delaaran adored poetry, but there wasn't any on the next page. He turned to the remaining blank pages, and as he did so, he noticed that they continued to be blank to the book's back. Delaaran had questions regarding the book.

He approached his teacher's desk and requested permission to check out the book. He placed it in his bag after she agreed.

Later, as Kanna and Rylo went to the staircase, which is their usual, Delaaran sat next to them, prepared to tell them what he had discovered.
He placed the book in front of them, "Guys, something's weird about this book."

Kanna touches the book's bare cover while gazing at it in admiration.
She asks, staring up at him, "What's going on?"

Earlier than Delaaran could respond, Naviia approached them.

"Hey, Delaaran and Rylo!"

Naviia didn't say anything about Kanna as if she weren't there, and Kanna clenched her eyes at her.

"Oops! I'm sorry I missed you, Karen." she replies with a smile.

She says, rolling her eyes, "It's Kanna!"

"Girls, now is not the appropriate time," Rylo says.

To diffuse the situation and avoid a major argument, Rylo asks, "Aaran what's up?"

"So, in class, I came upon this book. In all of these pages, there was just one poem."
Delaaran started to show it to them, but the poetry was gone.

"Huh? That's odd." he responded. "Maybe I have the wrong page, but I could've sworn it was this one."

"Woah! That's deep." Naviia said with surprise.

"Aaran, we should tell her about your mom since she's now our friend and in our group." Rylo stated.
Kanna cried out, "No! That is a terrible idea!"
"Sure. Just so nobody gets confused." Delaaran remarked.

Kanna then banged her head against the wall.

Naviia received a detailed explanation from Delaaran. He began the conversation after explaining and responding to any questions.

He replied, "You know what?"

They all turned to face him. Rylo appeared fascinated, Kanna concerned, and Naviia eager.
They were all awaiting a response.

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