Chapter 18:

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Mary sighed as she stood in the throne room and waited for Francis to arrive who seemed to be persistence on seeing her.

Mary looked up when Antonio appeared and spoke.

"My Queen, I present to you Prince Francis." Antonio said as he stepped back to show Francis who smiled brightly at Mary.

"Mary..." Francis said softly as he went to hug his wife who stepped back.

"As you should!" Caroline and Bonnie said as Finn and Klaus smiled at them with affection, Mary smiling at this.

"Francis why have you come." Mary asked as Francis sighed.

"May we speak privately?" Francis asked as Mary sighed.

"Very well. Follow me." Mary said she walked them to her office, closing the doors before turning to her husband.

"Now, what do you want Francis." Mary asked coldly as Francis sighed.

"I refuse to sign the divorce papers." Francis said as Mary's eyes widened.

Dude seriously?! Just let her be happy!" Bonnie yelled at Francis who glared but soon cowered at the glare Finn gave him.

"Francis do not make this difficult. Sign.the.paper." Mary said angrily as Francis felt rage pulse through his, grabbing Mary's arm.

Kol felt his blood boil at this, Mary noticing and gently running her thumb over his hand making the male relax under her touch.

"Listen Mary! I-" Francis went to say but before he could he was thrown from Mary.

Mary and Francis who stood with a groan turned to see Kol who's eyes held nothing but with the intent for murder

"That's my brother!" Rebekah said proudly as her brothers laughed and smiled at their little sister.

Francis went to speak but before he could Kol sped up to the male, compelling him.

"You will sign the divorce papers, you will leave Mary alone and leave Scotland." Kol said as a compelled Francis nodded and walked to Mary's desk, signing the papers before walking out to talk to his men about returning, still under the influence of Kol's compulsion.

"Damm..." Greer and Kenna said as the others all snickered and Kol blushed deeply.

Mary who witnessed this turned to Kol after Francis left and smiled.

"Well, now that I am officially divorced. I ask you Kol, would you do the honor of courting me?" Mary asked nervously as Kol smiled gently at the woman he loved.

"Nothing would made me happier." Kol said before connecting their lips, the screen going black.

Mary smiled at this before turning Kol's head, gently kissing him as Kol's eyes widened but he quickly and softly kissed her back.

The others around them smiling as Francis, Lola, and Henry felt rage and anger pulse through them.

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