Chapter 11:

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Mary cried within her friends embrace before sniffling and gathering herself.

"T-Thank you all. Seeing as we have a break why don't you all go and speak to the others." Mary spoke, not wanting anyone around.

Taking not of this Catherine gently ushered everyone away and sat on Mary's, left, Kol on Mary's right as she wanted them there.

Once ushered away each male Mikaelson went to talk to the women they had been thinking of since being in the room.

Elijah walked up to Greer, who turned to him and gave him a kind smile that he couldn't help but return.

"Hello Ms. Greer, how are you fairing so far?" Elijah asked as Greer smiled at the suited original.

"I am quite well. And you?" Greer asked Elijah smiled

"About the same. Tell me what are you interested in within your own time?" Elijah asked as Greer smiled, the two talking about their interests and developments within their future's.

While doing this Klaus approached Caroline who was with the doppelgänger who smiled at the hybrid.

"Hello there love. My name is Niklaus." Klaus spoke ignoring Elena completely.

"My name is Caroline. It's nice to meet you!" Caroline said with her usual bubbly enthusiasm, as Klaus chuckled at began to question her on the customs of the future.

Finn watched his sibling approach their maidens and took a deep breath before approaching Bonnie who smiled but stayed alert, something he respected.

"Hello. My name is Finn Mikaelson. I presume you are the one they call Bonnie Bennett?" Finn asked as Bonnie nodded.

"I am. It's nice to meet you." Bonnie spoke holding her hand out as Finn shook it with a smile.

"Tell me Finn, do you like classical music?" Bonnie asked as Finn's face beamed, the two beginning a conversation of music and the arts.

Mary however watched everyone she cared about talk with the people who seemed to feel for them.

It brought her joy to know her friends would find love and happiness.

"Alright! Time to continue! You may sit wherever you want!" The voice spoke as everyone changed their seats.

One the left side Mary sat in between Kol and Catherine, Bash with Kenna on his lap sitting left to Katherine.

To Kol's right sat Klaus with Caroline to his right.

Behind them sat Finn with Bonnie to his right, Greer to her right as Elijah sat next to her.

On the right side of the theater sat Francis in between his father who sat to his right and Lola to his left.

Aylee behind them frowning at her friends on the left side.

Lola and Henry glaring at the left side of the theater as Francis wished it was him with Mary.

"Alright! Let's continue!" The voice spoke as everyone turned their heads to the screen.

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