Chapter 14:

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The Screen shined bright to show a giggling Mary as she hid behind a statue in the royal garden.

She was playing a game of tag with Kol who she had become close to within the month he had been there.

Kol smiled at the words being shown and gently held Mary's hand, caressing it softly as Mary blushed and Greer smiled.

She felt Kol was much better for her than Francis.

In the past month Kol had become Mary's confidant, her best friend, and he hoped he could soon become her lover.

Kol blushed as he was called out, glaring at his brothers who were smirking at him and snickering.

Mary peeked her head out from the statue and as she saw Kol no where in sight she went to run to a different hiding place before a pair of arms circled her waist and spun her.

"Kol!" Mary said giggling as Kol spun her before setting her down gently in front of him.

"I win! Hah!" Kol said as he stuck his tongue out like a child, Mary rolling her eyes in an affectionate manner.

"Very funny. I presume you won simply because you somehow cheated!" Mary said as Kol gasped dramatically and clutched his chest.

"Why my lady! I would never!" Kol said dramatically as Mary giggled and Kol stopped his dramatics and gazed at her fondly.

"Oh come on!" Kol said with a pout as he was called out once more, his brother laughing at him as they looked at their little brother pouting.

Mary smiled at the man who seemed to he smitten with her and gently kissed his cheek, Kol blushing as Francis glared heatedly at his wife and the Mikaelson.

Mary giggled before somberly calming herself, smiling softly as she caught Kol's gaze.

"Well, I must get back to my children but I would like to meet up tonight. Perhaps by the cherry tree near the lake? The view shown at night is a sight to behold." Mary said as Kol smiled widely.

"I'd love too Mary..." Kol said softly before bowing and taking Mary's hand in his, kissing it gently.

"Until tonight My Queen..." Kol said gently, a blushing Mary smiling softly at the man before turning and walking to the castle.

As Mary walked reached her chambers she entered and smiled at the sight of Greer with her children who seemed to be painting.

"I see you all had some fun." Mary said with a teasing smile as Greer smiled at her Queen and friend.

"We did! We acquired some paper and paint and we painted to pass the time you spent with Kol." Greer said as Mary gently lowered to the ground where her children were painting, sitting next to Greer who smirked.

"Speaking of Kol, how is the youngest Mikaelson? Have you chosen to be the one within his chambers?" Greer said with a smile as Mary giggled and gently smacked Greer's arm.

"Greer! You musn't speak like that! Besides, I have seen you gazing fondly at the eldest brother. Elijah was it?" Mary said with a teasing smile as she watched her friend blush.

Elijah smiled at her turned his gaze to a blushing Greer who avoided the gaze of the man she was smitten with.

Elijah smiled gently at her reaction, taking her hand in his as Greer felt her blush deepen but kept their hands interlocked, loving the way they fit together.

"Ok, perhaps I do have some feeling for Elijah but it seems you have feeling for his brother." Greer said as Mary smiled at her friend.

"I do. And that is why I am meeting him tonight by the cherry tree next to the lake. I wish to tell him how I feel." Mary said as Greer nodded but pondered a thought.

"And what of Francis?" Greer asked as Mary sighed.

"I have sent him the documents that will allow our divorce. Although I fear he will not take the decision as well as I am." Mary said as Greer frowned.

"Well I will be with you throughout this. I shall stand by your side." Greer said softly as Mary smiled in thanks.

"Thank you Greer." Mary said as she gently hugged the woman who returned the gesture.

The screen going black before shining brightly, the screen showing the words:
Later That Day.

The screen showed Mary who was standing beside the Cherry Tree, nervously tapping her hands on her arm as she waited  for Kol.

Mary stood before she heard a noise, the noise causing her to drown as she walked towards it.

"No! You never investigate." Caroline and Bonnie said as Finn and Klaus smiled at the pair in humor and affection before returning their gaze to the screen.

Mary walked to the section of the garden where large bushes covered the way as if a hiding spot.

Mary walked around to behind the bushes, her eyes widening at the sight before her.

Mary let out a high scream as the man who seemed to drinking from another man turned to her and smirked.

The Mikaelsons and Scooby Gang who watched felt worry spread through them.

The male she had seen was a vampire and Mary was a human...

Mary turned to run but before she could get far enough the man appeared in front of her as Mary gasped in fear, tears falling down her eyes.

"Please..." Mary begged as the man simply smirked before tackling Mary, the screen going black as the sound of her scream was heard.

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