Chapter 9:

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Mary smiled on the boat she was occupying as she saw her kingdom in the distance.

Earlier the day before she had bid her goodbyes to Catherine before leaving for Scotland with Kenna, Greer, Bash, the Scotland physician, and her most trusted guard Antonio.

Mary's whole soul and body seemed to lighten as she entered Scotlands atmosphere, it being pure and beautiful.

It seeming to have the same effect to the others as they seemed to sigh in relief and content.

Once docked, Mary and the others quickly ran to the kingdoms garden, their favorite place when they resided there.

"Oh it's till as beautiful as I remember!" Kenna said happily as she laird in the grass smelling the flowers.

"I have missed this place dearly." Mary spoke as everyone voiced their agreement.

"As much as I love to see my wife laying beautifully within flowers, Mary you and Kenna must go see the physician." Bash spoke as the two women sighed and stood.

"Very well. Let us go." Mary said as she, Kenna, Bash, and Greer made there way to the physician

Upon arriving at his quarters they entered as the physician stood and bowed.

"My Queen. I presume your here to see the health and growth progression of your child?" The physician asked as Mary nodded

"Indeed. I would like the same for Kenna. She is two months pregnant." Mary spoke as the physician nodded.

"Very well. Who would like to be checked first?" The physician asked as Mary nodded to Kenna.

"Kenna." Mary spoke as the physician nodded and led Kenna behind a sheet, Bash furrowing his brows in distaste

"Why can't I be present while she looks over MY wife?" Bash muttered as Mary and Greer suppressed a laugh and turned to Bash

"It's important to have privacy." Mary simply said as Bash grumbled and crossed his arms

"Awe my love!" Kenna stated turning to her husband who blushed as she pressed her lips to his cheek, Mary watching with happiness.

Soon Kenna walked out from behind the sheet and into Bash's embrace who glared at the physician who tried her best not to flinch.

"Tis your turn My Queen." The physician spoke as Mary followed her, briefly hearing Bash mutter how Kenna was his wife and Greer snickering.

Once done with Mary, the physician led her to the others.

"Well Lady Kenna your baby is perfectly healthy and growing at a healthy rate. I do suggest avoiding lifting anything heavy that could hurt your back." The physician spoke as Kenna nodded, hugging bash who placed his hand protectively over her stomach.

"My Queen, your child is also growing at a healthy rate. I also suggest being careful when lifting certain objects." The physician spoke as Mary smiled and nodded

"Thank you.." Mary trailed off not knowing the physician's name

"Nacia" Nacia spoke as Mary nodded

"Thank you Nacia. I bid you a good day." Mary spoke as she and the others walked out of Nacia's chambers.

"So what shall we do?" Greer asked as Mary went to speak but before she could Antonio rushed in front of her.

"My Queen! You have a guest!" Antonio spoke as the group became confused and quickly followed after Antonio.

Rushing into the throne room the group saw a woman standing with their back to her.

"May I help you?" Mary asked as the woman turned, Mary gasping at the sight of her.

"I wonder who it is.." Bonnie whispered to Caroline who nodded.

"Elizabeth..." Mary whispered as her friends behind her gasped.

Everyone in the theater gasped at who she was, Mary smiling that her cousin had come.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔹𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕄𝕒𝕟//ℝ𝕖𝕚𝕘𝕟-𝕋𝕍𝔻   Where stories live. Discover now