Chapter 13:

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The screen shined bright as it showed Mary holding her newborn daughter and son in her arms as she stood in her quarters.

"S-She had twins..." Francis said quietly in grief that he missed out on his children's birth.

Upon hearing a knock she spoke.

"Come in." Mary said as the door opened to show Greer, Kenna and Bash, the latter holding his and Kenna's daughter

"How is the new mother doing?" Kenna asked as Mary smiled at her friend

"I am well. A bit tired but I am well." Mary said as the three nodded in approval

"May I ask what brought you here? I presumed that you would be within your own chambers with your child and you Greer would be assisting them." Mary said as Greer spoke

"Well we were but we came to inform you that you have visitors. A family has arrived and is looking to stay here until they continue their journey to their homeland." Greer said as Mary hummed in knowledge

"I see. Kenna, Bash, would you two watch over my children as me and Greer speak to these visitors?" Mary asked as Kenna smiled brightly

"Yes! I'd love to!" Kenna said happily as the others smiled at her enthusiasm.

Mary stepped forward, gently placing her children in Kenna's hand who smiled down at them.

Once sure they were secure within her friend's arms she turned to Greer who stood waiting.

"Let us to Greer. I wouldn't want to make our visitors wait." Mary said as Greer nodded and the two left towards the throne room.

"I feel like something important is going to happen." Caroline whispered in Bonnie's ear who nodded, having the same feeling.

Upon arriving at the throne room the guards opened the doors, Mary nodding at them in thanks as she and Greer entered.

Mary and Greer looked ahead to see three men with their backs to them as they admired the artwork within the throne room.

"I understand you wished to see me. May I help you?" Mary said as the three men turned to reveal Kol, Klaus, and Elijah.

"Finally." Kol thought at the sight that he had finally met his Mary, Elijah feeling the same way about Greer.

Kol felt his cheeks heat up at the sight of Mary who kept a blank expression and simply raised in eyebrow in question.

"I ask again. May.I.Help.You." Mary said firmly and with a hint of annoyance as Klaus stepped forward and bowed respectfully.

"Hello Queen Mary. My name is Nicklaus and these are my brothers Elijah and Kol. We are here with our sister Rebekah and are hoping to stay within your home until we continue our journey to our homeland." Klaus stated as Mary looked unconvinced on allowing them within her home

"We will attend to any work you acquire us to do in payment." Klaus said as Mary glanced at them, her eyes stopping at Elijah who seemed to stare and Greer with a fondness that made her heart flutter.

Greer blushed in her seat as Elijah simply smiled and kissed her head, smiling as her blush became brighter and the others smiled at her happily.

Mary didn't know why but it seemed something was telling her to allow them to stay for the sake of Greer who seemed equally smitten.

"Ok. I shall allow this. But all I ask of you is that you respect my word and the people of my home." Mary said as the three men nodded, Kol still gazing at an oblivious Mary.

"Thank you Queen Mary. We shall agree to said terms." Klaus said as he bowed, Elijah and Kol following his actions as they looked at a serious Mary and smiling Greer.

None of them knowing that this was only the beginning...

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