Chapter 6:

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⛔️⚠️Mentions of Rape⛔️⚠️

Everyone watched in horror as Kol beat Francis, the latter laying in the floor, blood coming out of his nose.

Mary took a shuddering breath before walking to Kol, gently placing her hand on his back.

"K-Kol.." Mary said shakily as Kol immediately turned to the girl, his eyes widening at the fear in her face, realizing what he had done.

"T-Thank you for protecting me..But I am calm. L-Let us sit..please" Mary begged as Kol immediately nodded, allowing Mary to drag him to their seats, gently sitting beside one another, their hands interlocked.

Lola quickly helped her one time lover up as everyone sat quiet, none sure what to say.

Mary woke with a groan, sitting up as she realized she had fallen asleep crying in her dress, sure that she looked inadequate.

"You are beautiful." Kol whispered in Mary's ear who smiled gently at him.

Quickly calling for her lady's in waiting, Greer quickly entered smiling at her softly.

"Hi..I heard of what happened.." Greer spoke as she quickly brought out a dress for Mary to wear and a towel so she could bathe quickly before attending to her duties.

"I'm sure the whole French court has heard by now.." Mary said as Greer felt saddened at the tiredness in her friend and Queen's eyes.

"I'm so sorry Mary. Lola has betrayed you as a subject and as a friend. And Francis has proved he is no better." Greer spoke as she hugged her friend who gently hugged her back.

"Now! You shall bathe while I prepare you breakfast." Greer spoke as Mary smiled

"Thank you Greer. Please get something for yourself and please inform Aylee you will be with me today. I would like a friend with me throughout the day." Mary spoke as Greer smiled and nodded

"I'll go get that done now." Greer spoke as she exited the room.

Mary sighed and quickly stood to undress and bathe.

"I'm going to skip to after she bathes as that is something private." The voice spoke as Mary sighed in relief along with Kol.

Mary smiled at Greer who returned and helped her into her dress, Greer handing her a plate of eggs and pancakes.

"So, what do we have to do today?" Greer asked Mary who looked to her friend.

"Not much. I finished many of my duties yesterday. I do want to write to my cousin Elizabeth in England seeing as I finalized other treaty's with different country's and then from there I wish to see Kenna and Bash. They have acquired the cutest little cottage nearby and I wish to visit them." Mary spoke as Greer smiled brightly at the thought of visiting her friend.

"Aww! Greer!" Kenna said happily as Greer hugged her as well as she could, Kenna in Bash's lap with his arms protectively around her mid waist.

Everyone in the theater watching with smiles as Lola felt jealousy fill her and the friendship Kenna had along with a requited love.

"You speak of the completion of treaty's with other countries, is that for their countries and France, or a treaty with Scotland?" Greer asked as Mary sighed

"With France and Scotland. Francis seems to be preoccupied with Lola so I am stepping forward." Mary said as Greer nodded. Hate filling her at the thought of Francis.

"Excuse me?" Francis asked in shock as Greer turned to him

"I hate you and simply think you are undeserving of Mary and her love." Greer spoke as everyone laughed at Francis's dumbfound expression.

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