Chapter 16:

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The screen shined bright to show Mary who was standing at the doors of Greer's chambers.

It had been three weeks since Mary had been turned and Kol suggested the possibility of faking a small cold while she learned to drink from the vein.

Something Mary had agreed to. Thought now she was "better" and after much discussion, she and Kol had decided on the choice to tell Greer of what she now was.

Greer sat happy that her friend would tell her what she was, warmth spreading through her at the fact her Queen and Friend felt she could trust her.

Mary took a deep breath before she knocked on the doors of Greer's chambers, the doors opening as Greer stood on the opposite side, smiling at the sight of her friend.

"Mary!" Greer said as she hugged Mary tightly, the latter smiling as she returned the hug.

"Are you feeling well?" Greer asked as she removed herself from the hug and faced Mary.

"I am well Greer. I was just ill with a small cold but thanks to Kol I am now better." Mary said as Greer smirked at her Queen.

"I see. Is there anything specific your dear Kol did to make you well?" Greer spoke as she made a suggestive look making Mary blush.

Mary blushed in her seat as Greer snickered, Mary giving her friend a look but soon smiling too.

"Oh no! Nothing like that!" Mary said Rushidly as Greer simply smiled and let out a small laugh.

"Well then how did he help you?" Greer asked, genuinely curious now.

Mary swallowed nervously at this and took a deep breath, preparing herself to tell the truth to her best and most loyal friend.

"Greer, let us sit." Mary said as she closed the doors of Greer's chamber and sat next to her on the edge of her bed.

"Greer...the reason I was not present these past few weeks was not because I had a cold..." Mary said gently as Greer became confused at her friends words.

"Then...why were you not present?" Greer asked as Mary let out a deep sigh.

"I was learning how to control my speed and other abilities I now acquire as I am now...a vampire..." Mary said softly as Greer frowned.

"What...? Mary that is not funny." Greer said as Mary sighed.

"It is not a joke Greer. I am a vampire. And is Kol and his brothers..." Mary said as Greer simply stayed quiet.

"Prove it." Greer said as Mary looked at her in shock.

"Pardon?" Mary asked as Greer simply faced her unfazed.

"" Greer said in a serious tone as Mary stayed silent before showing her  fangs, veins coming under her eyes as Greer stood in shock.

"Y-You...Y-Your..." Greer said nervous as Mary hid her fangs and veins, walking to Greer who stepped back.

"Greer, I am still the same Mary you knew three weeks ago....just immortal..." Mary said as Greer stared at her in nervousness before taking a deep breath.

"Do you swear to never hurt me...?" Greer asked quietly as Mary nodded at the moment the words came out of her friend's mouth.

"I swear! I will never hurt you!" Mary said hurriedly as Greer nodded.

"I believe you...thank you for telling me..." Greer said before slowly hugging Mary, the former smiling as she hugged her dear friend back.

"Good to know you took it well." Elijah whispered in Greer's ear who simply smirked.

"That is simply because Mary told me. If I know myself I will most likely be confronting you next." Greer said as Elijah froze, hoping that future her will take it well when confronting him.

The two friend's hugged for moments before coming apart and Greer spoke.

"Now if you will excuse me, I need to talk to a certain Mikaelson." Greer said before walking out of her chambers towards Elijah's, leaving a smiling Mary behind.

Mary only hoped Elijah would say the right thing.

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