twenty seven

377 59 45

mcfchart: jesus where you at

jesusnavas: i'm in heaven you son of a bitch

mcfchart: the almighty lord does not curse

jesusnavas: i'm coming you jackass just wait

mcfchart: i still wonder why you're parents named you jesus

jesusnavas: because i'm the king of everything

mcfchart: you're a douchey king though

jesusnavas: piss of mate

mcfchart: we're visiting clarissa in a few hours you better start being nice

jesusnavas: wait we're visiting today?

mcfchart: of course you piece of shit we don't have the whole year

jesusnavas: how many days are we in cali?

mcfchart: a week

jesusnavas: we have lots of time

mcfchart: joe wants to explore

jesusnavas: seriously

mcfchart: yeah and while i explore california you go explore clari's body

jesusnavas: dude you're fucked up

mcfchart: be happy i didn't say vagina

jesusnavas: joe you need jesus

mcfchart: i don't need you

jesusnavas: okay so we're visiting today?

mcfchart: no we're visiting next year

jesusnavas: dude

mcfchart: yes we're visiting today

mcfchart: where does she love

jesusnavas: hazard's ass apparently

mcfchart: he does have a nice ass

jesusnavas: #nohomo

mcfchart: okay since she's mad at you, i'll ask her where she lives

jesusnavas: okay

mcfchart: the message ain't sending did the bitch block me too

jesusnavas: what's the status of the message

mcfchart: uh it's breathing??????

jesusnavas: no you dumbass what does it say?

mcfchart: "yo clar what's your address"

jesusnavas: no i mean does it say d, s, or ...?

mcfchart: or what?

jesusnavas: ...

mcfchart: ????

jesusnavas: THAT IS IT ....

mcfchart: oh lmao it says s

jesusnavas: oh it means she has no internet

mcfchart: okay

jesusnavas: i'm excited

mcfchart: aww that's cute

jesusnavas: ha ha ha ha

mcfchart: okay it's delivered

jesusnavas: and now we wait

mcfchart: yo you want starbucks?

jesusnavas: yes please

#brotp even though they might not be this close irl

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