twenty one

392 61 18

woodyinhoe: hola jesus

jesusnavas: sup clari

woodyinhoe: how are you?

jesusnavas: what's going on

woodyinhoe: what

jesusnavas: why is our convo starting so normal

woodyinhoe: ay lmao is there anything wrong

jesusnavas: no not at all

woodyinhoe: then what's up

jesusnavas: it feels weird

woodyinhoe: whatchu mean

jesusnavas: you didn't insult me

woodyinhoe: you're ugly

jesusnavas: basic

woodyinhoe: you suck at football

jesusnavas: harsh

woodyinhoe: you should retire

jesusnavas: clari

woodyinhoe: you said insult me

jesusnavas: no need ahahaha

woodyinhoe: our conversations are getting boring now

jesusnavas: yeah

woodyinhoe: should we stop talking?

jesusnavas: no

woodyinhoe: why not?

jesusnavas: you mean a lot to me

woodyinhoe: that's cute bud

jesusnavas: ouch

woodyinhoe: what

jesusnavas: you just budzoned me

woodyinhoe: you're my friend

jesusnavas: ouch

woodyinhoe: what

jesusnavas: nothing nvm

woodyinhoe: tell me

jesusnavas: no need it's okay

woodyinhoe: jesus

jesusnavas: fuck off clar

woodyinhoe: jeez whatever

jesusnavas: can't fucking believe you

idk what to do with this story lol someone dm me ideas

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